Taichung City Bus

Taichung City Bus

Route 55, a high capacity bus route in Taichung
Founded 1958
Locale Taichung City, Taiwan

Taichung City Bus (Chinese: 臺中市市區公車; pinyin: Táizhōng Shì Shìqūgōngchē or so called Chinese: 臺中市公車; pinyin: Táizhōng Shì Gōngchē) is managed by the Transportation Bureau, Taichung City Government in Taichung City, Taiwan. This includes bus routes 1–989 which are operated by different bus companies. The main part of the network provides bus service in downtown area, some other routes connect different districts, and the others serve residents in rural or remote area. There are some 210 routes to date.


The fares are calculated by mileage per ride. The basic fare is NT$20 for 10 km, and the extended fare is NT$2.431*(1+5% tax included) per km and round to the nearest integer.

From 1 June 2011 to 30 June 2015, taking buses whose route numbers are under 300 with any of four sorts of electronic tickets (including EasyCard (悠遊卡), I Pass (高捷一卡通) and Taiwan Easy Go Senior Card(台灣通敬老愛心卡), could benefit from a free ride below 8 kilometers.[1] From July 1, 2015, the same benefit extended from 8 km to 10 km, and the range of route numbers are no longer under 300.


List of Taichung City Bus Providers
name translated name number of routes running total running mileage in kilometer (Sep. 2016 data) number of vehicles in service (Sep. 2016 data) date established date joining Taichung City Bus network date leaving Taichung City Bus network
Taichung Bus Company, Ltd.
Taichung Bus
50 1,451.45 404 1 January 1958 18 February 1958
Ren-Yeou Bus Company, Ltd.
Renyou Bus
9 329.10 73 31 December 1976 31 December 1976
United Highway Bus Company Limited
23 495.70 300 6 September 1989 1 August 2002
Geya Bus Transportation
Geya Bus
14 565.87 58 7 March 1974 1 March 2004
Chuan Hang Bus Company Limited
Chuan Hang Bus
8 199.80 71 1998 20 March 2004
Chang Hua Bus Company Limited
Chang Hua Bus
1 19.25 7 1 March 1942 1 January 2009
Aloha Bus Company, Ltd
Aloha Bus
0 0 0 1999 10 March 2009 28 February 2013
Fengyuan Bus Transportation Co., Ltd.
Fengyuan Bus
85 1951.05 238 22 October 1945 1 January 2010
Ho Hsin Bus
2 29.70 16 15 December 1999 1 January 2011 29 February 2012
1 March 2013
Southeast Bus Company Limited
Southeast Bus
6 123.85 42 18 June 2002 1 November 2011
Green Transit Co., Ltd.
Green Transit
4 64.85 25 15 August 1968 1 October 2012
MiaoLi Transportation Co., Ltd.
Miaoli Bus
1 50.60 4 1935 10 December 2012
Central Taiwan Bus Company Limited
Central Taiwan Bus/CTbus
14 463.48 101 24 September 2012 27 December 2012
Nantou Bus
1 14.60 2 1951 1 September 2014
Taichung Rapid Transit Corporation Limited
Taichung Rapid Transit
0 0 0 1 October 2012 16 October 2015 30 June 2016
SF E-bus
1 8.90 5 13 May 2015 30 April 2016
Jieshun Bus
4 94.40 20 5 October 2015 30 April 2016
Zhonglu Bus
1 ? ? 15 December 1999 1 October 2016



new made mix bus stop
Bus Route 75

Taichung Bus was established in 1958, commissioned by the Taichung Municipal Government to operate high capacity bus services. Renyou Bus was established in 1976 and became the second bus operator of the network. For some 25 years, the network are run by only these two companies. In order to widen the bus service network, the City Government let more bus companies operate since 2002. The number of operators have come to 16 since May 2016.

Notable events

Bus Route 132
Bus Route 253

Route addition

Bus Route 68
Bus Route 105





Route transfer from highway bus lines

Bus Route 58
Bus Route 52
Route 40
Bus Route 98
Route transfer from highway bus lines
Date Former Number New Number Operator Remark
1 January 2011 6502
(55) Fengyuan Bus
206, (55)
6507 207, (55)
208, (55)
6549 212
6552 213
6557 217
6560 225
6566 226
6571 258
6567 267
6576 268
6205 105 Renyou Bus
6210 125
14 February 2011 6100 100 Taichung Bus
6101 101
6106 106
6107 107
6131 131
6132 132
6146 146
1 June 2011 6580
270 Fengyuan Bus
6581 276
6512 280
6509 285
6510 286
6517 289
6352 168 Geya Bus
6353 169
1 December 2011 6538 229 Fengyuan Bus
6545 230
6546 231
6548 232
1 January 2012 6142 142 Taichung Bus
6147 147
6163 163
1 July 2012 6600 209 Fengyuan Bus
6537 218
6645 221
6644 222
6643 223
6646 227
6575 256
6598 257
6574 260
6605 261
6585 262
1 October 2012 6559 170 Fengyuan Bus
6558 171
6561 172
6562 173
6534 182
6544 183
6532 186
6554 210
6553 216
6568 219
6572 266
1 November 2012 6258 158 Chuan Hang Bus
1 December 2012 6855 128 Taichung Bus
10 December 2012 5817 181 Miaoli Bus
1 January 2013 6863 102 Taichung Bus
6873 108
200 Fengyuan Bus
6504 202
6603 203
6531 238
6533 239
6577 250
6578 251
6601 252
6579 253
6590 263
6583 265
6604 269
6589 272
6597 273
6587 275
6586 278
6594 279
6523 281
6524 282
6525 283
6511 (285)
6527 290
6528 291
16 January 2013 6355 176 Geya Bus
6356 177
6360 180
1 March 2013 6540 240 Fengyuan Bus
6588 264
1658 159 Ubus
7507 160 Ho Hsin Bus
7508 161
18 March 2013 6377 164 Geya Bus
6378 165
6361 166
6380 167

Route combination and route number altering

Bus Route Blue 2 (now 11)
Bus Route 106 (now 323)
Bus Route 306
Bus Route 32
Bus Route 54
List of number altering routes along Taiwan Boulevard
There were two phase of large change of a few routes' numbers when the BRT system was introduced on 28 July 2014, and when the BRT system was roughly suspended on 8 July 2015.
Former Number 28 July 2014 8 July 2015 Remark
57 57 307
86 86 301
169 169 306
83 83 303
Blue 12
88 88 304
Blue 7
168 168 305
Blue 6 The path of Route Blue 6 is same as section of Route 168.
87 cancelled 308 Half of the former path of Route 87 was replaced, and renumbered Blue 13.
Blue 13 The former Route 87 was restored with almost the same path and renumbered 308.
359 The substitute section of Route 87/Blue 13 was renumbered 359.
106 cancelled 323 Half of the former path of Route 106 was replaced, and renumbered Blue 9.
Blue 9 The former Route 106 was restored with almost the same path and renumbered 323.
354 The substitute section of Route 106/Blue 9 was renumbered 354.
146 cancelled 324 Half of the former path of Route 146 was replaced, and renumbered Blue 10.
Blue 10 The former Route 146 was restored with almost the same path and renumbered 324.
356 The substitute section of Route 146/Blue 10 was renumbered 356.
147 cancelled 325 Half of the former path of Route 147 was replaced, and renumbered Blue 11.
Blue 11 The former Route 147 was restored with almost the same path and renumbered 325.
357 The substitute section of Route 147/Blue 11 was renumbered 357.
150 cancelled 302 Half of the former path of Route 150 was replaced.
150 The former path of Route 150 was restored slightly different and renumbered 302.
358 The substitute section of Route 150 was renumbered 358.
Blue 2 11
Blue 1 351
Blue 3 352
Blue 5 353
BRT Blue Line 300

Route cancellation and restoration

Bus Route 155
Bus Route 39
Bus Route 180
Bus Route 82

Route extension

Route shortening

Route ownership transfer

Route ownership transfer
Date of Transfer Route Number Former Owner New Owner Remark
1 January 2010 51 Chang Hua Bus Fengyuan Bus
52 Ubus Chang Hua Bus
1 January 2011 54 Taichung Bus Ho Hsin Bus
55 Ubus Fengyuan Bus
1 March 2012 54 Ho Hsin Bus Taichung Bus
7 October 2012 67 Geya Bus Southeast Bus
1 March 2013 18 Aloha Bus Ubus
17 April 2013 Suffering financial situations, Renyou Bus could not afford running all of its 15 routes any longer. Transportation Bureau immediately made 11 of the 15 routes ran temporarily by other operators.
Route Number Former Owner Temporary Operator Remark
1 Renyou Bus Taichung Bus
20 Renyou Bus Fengyuan Bus
25 Renyou Bus Taichung Bus
29 Renyou Bus Chang Hua Bus
31 Renyou Bus Fengyuan Bus
37 Renyou Bus Chuan Hang Bus
40 Renyou Bus Green Transit
48 Renyou Bus Chuan Hang Bus
72 Renyou Bus Taichung Bus
89 Renyou Bus Taichung Bus
125 Renyou Bus Taichung Bus
29 April 2013 Renyou Bus released those 11 routes. Transportation Bureau selected a few operators for permanent routes' transfer.
1 June 2013 Route Number Temporary Operator New Owner Remark
1 Taichung Bus Central Taiwan Bus
20 Fengyuan Bus Central Taiwan Bus
25 Taichung Bus Central Taiwan Bus
29 Chang Hua Bus Taichung Bus
31 Fengyuan Bus Central Taiwan Bus
37 Chuan Hang Bus Central Taiwan Bus
40 Green Transit Green Transit
48 Chuan Hang Bus Green Transit
72 Taichung Bus Taichung Bus
89 Taichung Bus Green Transit
125 Taichung Bus Central Taiwan Bus
Date of Transfer Route Number Former Owner New Owner Remark
30 August 2013 281 Fengyuan Bus Central Taiwan Bus
282 Fengyuan Bus Central Taiwan Bus
283 Fengyuan Bus Central Taiwan Bus Route 283 was combined with Route 282 on the same day.
290 Fengyuan Bus Taichung Bus
1 October 2015 52 Chang Hua Bus Renyou Bus
30 April 2016 354 Taichung Bus Sifang Bus
356 Taichung Jieshun Bus
357 Taichung Bus Jieshun Bus
359 Ubus Jieshun Bus
1 May 2016 358 Ubus Renyou Bus
1 July 2016 616 Taichung Bus Rapid Transit Southeast Bus
617 Taichung Bus Rapid Transit Renyou Bus
13 September 2016 199 Chuan Hang Bus Jieshun Bus
1 October 2016 617 Renyou Bus Zhonglu Bus

Route not charging

See also


This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 11/27/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.