Autovía A-23
Autovía A-23 | |
Autovía Mudéjar | |
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Route information | |
Length: | 440.1 km (273.5 mi) |
Major junctions | |
From: | Sagunto |
To: | Somport |
Highway system | |
Autopistas and autovías in Spain |
The Autovía A-23 is a motorway in Aragon, Spain.
A-23 is an upgrade of the N-330 and N-234. Presently, it starts in Huesca then heads south to Zaragoza. Thereafter it follows the rio Jiloca south to Teruel through the Sierra d'Espada to the coast at Sagunto. Plans call for the freeway to reach the French border at Somport. The freeway is also known as Autovía Valencia-Francia or Autovía Sagunto-Somport. Eventually, once fully complete, it will serve as an important axis of connection between Valencia, Aragon, the Basque region and France through the Somport tunnel . It's nickname is the "spine of Aragon" since it runs along the north-south community intercommunicating the three capitals.
The A-23 runs through the corridors of the N-234 , between Sagunto and Retascón and the N-330 between Retascón and Jaca , though the whole layout of the road is new and independent of national roads except two small sections, one 10 km from Viver and Barracks (Ragudo rise) and another about 30 km complicated port to save the Pyrenean the Monrepós which is the most expensive portion of the entire highway, which is currently under construction.
Its name is derived from, like almost all conversions of national roads to highways, the first two figures of the old name (N- 23 4> A- 23 ), and the letters A reference to a motorway belonging to the Ministry of Development .
The A-23 also has European nomenclature , as part of the European route E07 , which connects Pau , southern France , with Zaragoza .
In the French section, the route is called RN134, which connects Pau to Oloron-Sainte-Marie and Spain.
View passing through the toll Zuera The A-23 is a highway "new" building, which follows the same route of two national roads, the N-234 between Sagunto and Daroca - Retascón, and the N-330 between Retascón and Jaca . Construction began in 1999 from the city of Sagunto and currently (2014) sections are under construction north of the province of Huesca.
The three Aragonese capitals are now linked by motorway [ edit ] The three Aragonese capitals are from Thursday February 21, 2008 linked by motorway, with the commissioning of the last section was left open pending the A-23.
The new section Calamocha - Romans of the A-23 is 27.8 kilometers long, has four bonds and has come at a cost of 98.68 million euros.
The motorway between Zaragoza and Teruel, Huesca continues until, and is scheduled to arrive in Jaca and the French border, but the route also links from Zaragoza to the Cantabrian by the A-68 , and in the future with northern Navarre the Basque Country by the A-21 and Lleida by the A-22 .
The stretch between Zaragoza and Huesca presents problems for light trucks when strong gusts occur Cierzo .
In the section turolense occurred post-construction problems slopes detachment, Chirico and constant danger of affecting the circulation within a few months of being opened and in 2009 had to run resurfacing work to the problems identified waterlogging and subsidence .
The July 22, 2010, the plan to cut spending by the Ministry of Development for Spain, rescinds two of the sections under construction between Nueno and Jaca, and a third between Jaca and Santa Cilia de Jaca, in the A -21 ; and paralyzes the implementation of the remainder (see diagram sections) with a horizon of 1 to 4 years to retake the paralyzed sections, leaving the three sections terminated at zero, at the expense of making back all the procedures and relevant studies before start of construction. This is a general paralysis of the whole A-23 , A-21 , Huesca-Pamplona.
In today's Infrastructure Plan 2015 there is no new to continue the construction of this highway and add new routes to the same game. It is expected that by the 2020-2025 period can resume investments in some of the outstanding work done.
Current Path
Runs from the town Valencia of Sagunto to the town Huesca of Nueno , and Sabinanigo to Jaca .
434.84 kilometers of which, once completed, will have the motorway are in service 369.2 kilometers (14.2 named as Z-40); 40.5 in works; 10.2 with work contract terminated; 6.9 on tendering and bidding 8.04 pending works. Motorway will not be made in the 19 km North Jaca to the Somport tunnel, road improvement only and variations in the villages. Currently the time it takes to connect Sagunto to Somport is ~ 4 hours and 38 minutes.
Designation | Stretch | State (2015) | Kilometres |
A-23 | Sagunto-Soneja | En servicio (1999) | 16,9 |
A-23 | Soneja-Segorbe | En servicio (1999) | 9,5 |
A-23 | Variante de Segorbe | En servicio (1999) | 3,6 |
A-23 | Segorbe-Río Palancia | En servicio (2005) | 6,6 |
A-23 | Río Palancia-Viver | En servicio (2006) | 10,2 |
A-23 | Viver-Barracas | En servicio (2006) | 14,2 |
A-23 | Barracas-Sarrión | En servicio (2006) | 18,2 |
A-23 | Sarrión- Escandón | En servicio (2005) | 20,6 |
A-23 | Escandón -Teruel | En servicio (2005) | 16,6 |
A-23 | Teruel-Santa Eulalia del Campo | En servicio (2005) | 26,8 |
A-23 | Santa Eulalia del Campo-Monreal del Campo | En servicio (2001) | 21,9 |
A-23 | Monreal del Campo-Calamocha | En servicio (2001) | 14,7 |
A-23 | Calamocha- Romanos | En servicio (2008) | 27,8 |
A-23 | Romanos-Mainar | En servicio (2007) | 11,8 |
A-23 | Mainar-Paniza | En servicio (2007) | 13 |
A-23 | Paniza-Torrubia (Muel) | En servicio (2007) | 16,8 |
A-23 | Torrubia (Muel)-María de Huerva | En servicio (2006) | 13,1 |
A-23 | María de Huerva-Zaragoza Sur | En servicio (2005) | 11,6 |
Z-40 | Zaragoza Sur-Zaragoza Este | En servicio (2008) | 14,2 |
A-23 | Zaragoza Este-Villanueva de Gállego | En servicio (1991) | 9,5 |
A-23 | Villanueva de Gállego-Zuera | En servicio (1998) | 17 |
A-23 | Zuera-Almudévar | En servicio (1998) | 22 |
A-23 | Almudévar-Huesca | En servicio (1997) | 21,7 |
A-23 | Huesca-Nueno | En servicio (2000) | 12,3 |
A-23 | Nueno-Congosto de Isuela | En servicio (2014) [1] | 5 |
N-330 | Congosto de Isuela-Arguis | Obras paralizadas (reanudarán en 2015) (Construcciones FCC)[2] | 3,2 |
A-23 | Arguis-Alto de Monrepós | En servicio (2014)[2] | 3,2 |
N-330 | Alto de Monrepós-Caldearenas | Obras paralizadas (reanudarán en 2015) (Construcciones Acciona)[2] | 4,1 |
N-330 | Caldearenas-Lanave | En obras ritmo muy lento (apertura sin fecha prevista) (Construcciones Ferrovial)[2] | 12 |
Lanave-Embalse de Jabarrella | Contrato de obras rescindido[3] (Dragados) | 7 | |
Embalse de Jabarrella-Sabiñánigo Sur | Contrato de obras rescindido Begar[3] (suspensión pagos de Begar en la primavera del 2010) | 2,2 | |
A-23 | Sabiñánigo Sur-Sabiñánigo Este | En servicio (2014) [4] | 3 |
N-330 | Sabiñánigo Este-Sabiñánigo Oeste | Licitación de obras en 2016 | 6,9 |
A-23 | Sabiñánigo Oeste-Jaca Este | En servicio (2012) | 9,6 |
N-330 | Variante de Jaca (Jaca Este-Jaca Norte[5]) | Proyecto terminado (pendiente licitación de obras) | 8,04 |
N-330 | Jaca Oeste-Somport | Estudio informativo | 19 |
N-330 | Túnel de Somport | En servicio (2003) | 8,608 |
- 05/08/2015: Presupuestos 2016:
Section Sagunto - Zaragoza
Speed | Scheme | Exit | Towards Zaragoza (ascending) | Towards Sagunto (descending) | Highway | Notes |
| | | Autovía Mudéjar | Autovía Mudéjar | | |
| | | Castellón - Valencia | Castellón - Valencia | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | Estivella - Segart | Estivella - Segart | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | Alfara de Algimia - Algimia de Alfara | Alfara de Algimia - Algimia de Alfara | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | Algar de Palancia - Vall d'Uxó | Algar de Palancia - Vall de Uxó | | |
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| | | Caudiel | Caudiel | | |
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| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | Albentosa - Venta del Aire | Albentosa - Venta del Aire | | |
| | | Albentosa | Albentosa | N-234 | |
| | | Manzanera | Manzanera | N-234 | |
| | | | | | |
| | | vía de servicio | vía de servicio | | |
| | | C. de la Sierra - Aramón Javalambre | C. de la Sierra - Aramón Javalambre | TE-620 | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | Cuenca | Cuenca | | |
| | | Cedrillas - Cantavieja | Cedrillas - Cantavieja | A-226 | |
| | | Teruel Norte - P. La Paz - Alcañíz | Teruel Norte - P. la Paz - Alcañíz | N-420 | |
| | | Albarracín Aeropuerto | Albarracín Aeropuerto | | |
| | | Celadas | Celadas | TE-V-1001 | |
| | | | | | |
| | | Alfambra | Alfambra | TE-V-1008 | |
| | | Torremocha de Jiloca | Torremocha de Jiloca | | |
| | | Singra | Singra | | |
| | | Madrid - Alcolea del Pinar | Madrid - Alcolea del Pinar | N-211 | |
| | | Montalbán - Alcañíz | Montalbán - Alcañíz | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | Tornos - Bello | A-1507 | |
| | | Daroca Soria | Daroca Soria | | |
| | | Báguena Burbáguena | Báguena Burbáguena | | |
| | | Anento | Anento | | |
| | | Calatayud | Calatayud | | |
| | | Mainar | Mainar | N-330 | |
| | | | | | |
| | | Cariñena Sur - Paniza | Cariñena Sur - Paniza | N-330 | |
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| | | Alfamén | Alfamén | | |
| | | Épila | Épila | | |
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| | | María de Huerva | María de Huerva | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | A-2 motorway (Spain) Madrid - Barcelona E-804 AP-68 Logroño - Pamplona E-07 A-23 Huesca | | | |
| | | Autovía Mudéjar | Autovía Mudéjar | | |
Section Zaragoza North - Nueno
Speed | Scheme | Exit | Towards Nueno (ascending) | Towards Zaragoza (descending) | Highway | Notes |
| | | Autovía Mudéjar | Autovía Mudéjar | | |
| | | | A-2 motorway (Spain) Madrid - Barcelona E-804 AP-68 Logroño - Pamplona | | |
| | | Polígono "Ciudad del Transporte" |
| | |
| | | | Avenida de los Pirineos Plaza del Pilar | | |
| | | Universidad de San Jorge | | | |
| | | Polígono industrial | | | |
| | | Castejón de Valdejasa | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | Ejea de los Caballeros | | | |
| | | San Mateo de Gállego | | | |
| | | Gurrea Vía de servicio | | | |
| | | Vía de servicio | | | |
| | | San Jorge Vía de servicio | | | |
| | | Tardienta Alcalá de Gurrea | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | Escuela Politécnica Parque Tecnológico | | |
| | | Cuarte Escuela Politécnica Parque Tecnológico | | | |
| | | Pamplona | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | Vía de Servicio | Yéqueda Vía de Servicio | | |
| | | Vía de Servicio | | | |
| | | Nueno Vía de Servicio | | | |
| | | Sabayés | | | |
| | | | Túnel de Nueno L. 494 m | | |
| | | Autovía Mudéjar | Autovía Mudéjar | | |
Section Nueno - Jaca-Canfranc
Via | Speed | Scheme | Exit | Towards Canfranc (ascending) | Towards Nueno (descending) | Highway | Notes |
| | | | Tramo pendiente de desdoblar | | | |
A-23 | | | | | | | |
| | | Túneles de Monrepós L. 1.484 m | | |||
A-23 | | | | | | | |
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A-23 | | | | | | | |
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| | | | Yebra de Basa Fiscal | Yebra de Basa Fiscal | | |
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| | | | | |||
A-23 | | | | | | | |
| | | | Martillué Vía de servicio Golf Badaguás | Martillué Vía de servicio | | |
| | | | Pamplona Golf Badaguás | Pamplona | N-330a | |
| | | | | |
- ↑
- 1 2 3 4
- 1 2 Según el anuncio del Ministerio de Fomento del 22-7-2010.
- ↑
- ↑ Incluye también el tramo Jaca Norte-Jaca Oeste, que formará parte de la A-21