Wireless Thessaloniki

Wireless Thessaloniki
Network Name (short) wthess
Location salonica, Greece
Home page http://www.wthess.net/
Nodes database wthess database
Active users approx. 100
Operational Yes
Commercial No

Wireless Thessaloniki is an experimental wireless community network growing in the air of Thessaloniki, Greece. It is one of the first wireless networks deployed in the city.

It was founded by Konstantinos Natsakis and Athanasios Kanaris on November, 2002. The primary goals of this project was twofold:

The linux floppy distribution formed, named Paladir, was named after the palantíri in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, as it provided insight to other wireless routers running Paladir.

The first wireless link, connecting two points with distance of 4.5 km, was achieved on March 1st, 2003, in 11 Mbit/s.

Since then, the wthess network counts more than 20 nodes sparged on rooftops of the city. It is connected with TWMN and SWN to provide connectivity with other community networks, and it is also connected through wired network with AWMN and other wireless communities in Greece.

See also

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