Willem Iskander

Willem Iskander
Born Sati Nasution
 Dutch East IndiesPidoli Lombang
Died 1876
Resting place Zorgvlied beegraafplaats, Amsterdam
Nationality Dutch East Indies (now  Indonesia)
Spouse(s) Maria Christina

Willem Iskander (1840–1876) was an Indonesian writer, nationalist, teacher and educator. He advocated for native Indonesian education in Dutch colonial times from North Sumatra. He founded Teacher Education School (Dutch:Kweekschool Voor inlandsche onderwijzer) in 1862in Tano Bato, Mandailing Natal Regency.[1][2]

Early life

Willem Iskander (Baptism name in Arnhem, 1858) was born in Pidoli Lombang, the son of Raja Tinating. He was the 11th generation of Nasution clan. His family came from the royal house in Mandailing. He graduated from Elementary School (Dutch: Holland Inlandsche School), Panyabungan, 1853–1855. He worked in this school as teacher when he was 15, the school's youngest teacher.[1]


He worked in Mandailing-Angkola Asisten resident office as Administrator of the government (Dutch: Adjunt Inlandsche schrifer).

In 1957, he studied in the Netherlands. He studied Vreswjik, then at Oefenschool for teaching assistant. In 1861, he returned to Indonesia and founded Kweekschool Voor Inlandche Onderwijzr in Tano Bato, Mandailing Natal Regency1in862.

In 1874, he again visited the Netherlands to participate in the Head Teacher Education title study.

In January 1876, he married Maria Christina, but died in April of that year.[1]



  1. 1 2 3 Z. Pangaduan Lubis (2011). Lebih jauh tentang Willem Iskander dan Si Bulus bulus Si Rumbuk rumbuk. Pustaka Widiasarana. ISBN 9798365216.
  2. Nelson Lumbantoruan, O.K. Sahril (2010). Willem Iskander (Sati Nasution) Tokoh Pendidikan dari Sumatera utara. Mitra. ISBN 6029217704.
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