Wheelchair Cricketers Welfare Association- Bangladesh

Wheelchair Cricket Welfare Association of Bangladesh (WCWA) is a national level Non-govertment and Non profitable voluntary organization established for the development of the physically challenged people of Bangladesh. The organization was formed by wheelchair cricketer Mohammad Mohasin. The organization has been working for the disabled people since 2010 aiming to incorporate the persons with disabilities & to strengthen in mainstream society. In 2016, the organization registered under the Social Welfare Department of Govt. people’s republic of Bangladesh. WCWA have elected management board. The warriors on the wheel chairs started their journey of playing cricket in 2010. Since then, Bangladeshi Wheelchair cricket players have participated in major tournaments like ICRC International Cricket Tournament in Bangladesh and Asia Cup in India.[1][2][3][4]

Wheelchair Cricket Launched in Bangladesh

First ever wheelchair cricket tournament in Bangladesh launched by Imago Sports Management in association with Wheelchair Cricketers Welfare Association- Bangladesh.[5] Thirty Six (36) Wheelchair Cricketers (Twenty Five (25) from outside of Dhaka) participated in this daylong tournament. For most of the wheelchair users this was the very first time they participated in a competitive sports match.


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