Vũ Trinh

Vũ Trinh (1759–1828) is a well-known Confucianist and high-ranking mandarin. Vũ Trinh was born in a noble family with many proficient Confucian scholars in Ngọc Quan thorp, Lương Tài, Bắc Ninh. His grandfather is Vũ Miên: Headmaster of Guozijian and Chancellor. He got title Jieyuan (解元) (First laureate in the interprovincial Confucian examination) when he was only 17, then became a mandarin. In his career path, at very young age (29 years old), he was promoted to be Vice Chancellor (參知政事).

Along with being a mandarin, he was also a writer: author of Lan Trì kiến văn lục (蘭池見聞錄), Cung oán thi, Sứ Yên thi tập,...His legacies were mostly written in Chinese.


[1] Hoàng Lê nhất thống chí (皇黎一統志), Ngô gia văn phái

[2] Ðại Nam liệt truyện, Quốc sử quán triều Nguyễn

[3] Quốc sử di biên (國史遺編), Phan Thúc Trực

[4] Recorded texts on Stone Stele in Ngọc Quan thorp, Lương Tài, Bắc Ninh

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