Uwe Topper

Uwe Topper (born 1940) is a German amateur researcher and author of books about historic, ethnographic and anthropological subjects.

In 1977 Topper published Das Erbe der Giganten (The Legacy of the Giants), a book about the prehistory of Spain and the Western Mediterranean basin. The main thesis interpretes the remnant of very early high cultures there as the basis for Plato's Atlantis. Although this idea has not raised a broad echo in the mainstream research, his discoverings of rock paintings and engravings presented in the book have been favourably received and quoted by academic researchers.[1][2]

Since the late 1990s he is best known as a proponent of radically rewriting chronology, with his variant of New Chronology somewhat between Heribert Illig's phantom time hypothesis and Fomenko's.[3] Apart from working on New Chronology Topper did extensive anthropologial research. His works in this field have been partially published in the yearbook of the German Institutum Canarium,[4] as well as in the yearbook of University of Cádiz (Spain). He has published scientific articles in German official reviews like Zeitschrift für Ethnologie and Jahrbuch des Museums für Anthropologie München. His book on early metal age civilizations (horra) gives a new dimension to prehistoric research.[5]

Topper has also written about the Book of Revelation (Das letzte Buch, 1993), about Reincarnation beliefs from a historical and ethnological perspective (Wiedergeburt, 1988), Sufism in North Africa (Sufis und Heilige im Maghreb, 1984/1991) and popular traditions in Morocco.[6] He lives in Berlin.

In 1995, Topper, who by then had got in contact with a group of German researchers including Gunnar Heinsohn, Heribert Illig, Christoph Marx and others, who all question the established chronology, started to take a closer look on the Middle Ages and published a series of books which try to show that History, as we know it, was created from the 16th century onwards - according to this idea, there are hardly well-dated facts before 1400 AD. Titles include Die Große Aktion [The Big Action](1998) Erfundene Geschichte [Invented History](1999), Fälschungen der Geschichte [Faked History](2001), ZeitFälschung [Faking Time] (2003), several are translated into Russian, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Corean. His focus on falsifications in the Middle Ages and modern times raised interest in German press.[7] His knowledge of Arabic and Berber makes him focus especially on North African subjects.

Books by Uwe Topper


  1. Sexualität und Scham bei den Altkanariern Hans-Joachim Ulbrich, in: Almogaren XXVIII/1997
  2. La cueva del Tajo de las Figuras, by Martí Mas Cornellá (UNED Ed. 2014)
  3. Schluss mit lustig by Jörg Albrecht in: Zeit Online. 5 January 2000
  4. Almogaren
  5. The Beginning of the Metal Age, in: Migration and Diffusion vol. 4/no. 14 (Odyssee Editorial 2003) ISSN 1563-440X
  6. Märchen der Berber (German, translated into Italian and Spanish)
  7. Die Lange Nacht der Fälscher und Fälschungen Deutschlandradio, 24 August 2002

External links

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