Ukrainian Skycutter

The Ukrainian Skycutter is a breed of pigeon (also known as Polish Orlik) that has been developed for high flying. It is a variety of domesticated rock dove (columba liva.) This breed of high flying tippler was developed by centuries of breeding.


This breed originates from the Crimean peninsula in southern Ukraine. The first documented standard for these birds was set up in Nikolaev, a city in Southern Ukraine.


Ukrainian skycutters are actually different breeds of pigeons put together. Some of these breeds include nikolajevski bocatzy and nikolajevski torzovi.


Ukrainian Skycutter

This breed of tippler can obtain altitudes of one kilometer and remain there for an extended period of time. Unlike rollers, this breed flies straight up from their loft or coop, never in a circling motion.


The domesticated rock dove is a grain eater. A staple diet must contain 12%-17% protein and poultry grit.


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