Time in Norway

In Norway the standard time is the Central European Time (UTC+01:00). Norway observes Summer Time (sommertid, daylight saving time). The transition dates are the same as for other European countries.

Svalbard and Jan Mayen observe the same time as the mainland.

Norway stretches more to the west and east than it might look like on a map. The westernmost point in Norway proper is on 4°29′E longitude, meaning 42 minutes difference between mean solar time and official time. The easternmost point in Norway proper is on 31°10′E longitude, meaning 64 minutes difference between mean solar time and official time. The difference between those points is 26°41′ or 1 hour 46 minutes.


IANA time zone database

The IANA time zone database contains one zone for the area with ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code NO (Norway) in the file zone.tab, where it is named "Europe/Oslo". Svalbard is covered by the zone Arctic/Longyearbyen, while Jan Mayen is covered by Atlantic/Jan_Mayen. Both are links to Europe/Oslo.

Data for Norway directly from zone.tab of the IANA time zone database. Columns marked with * are the columns from zone.tab itself.

c.c.* Coordinates* TZ* Comments* UTC offset UTC DST offset
NO +5955+01045 Europe/Oslo +01:00 +02:00
SJ +7800+01600 Arctic/Longyearbyen +01:00 +02:00
-- Atlantic/Jan_Mayen +01:00 +02:00
AQ -7200+00232 Antarctica/Troll Troll Station, Queen Maud Land +00:00 Time zone Antarctica/Troll is not in {{Tz/utc dst offset}}.

Daylight saving time

Norway follows the European Union in this matter.


A standard time was introduced in 1895. It has since then always been Greenwich + 1.

In Norway, summer time was observed in 1916, 1943–45, and 1959-65. The arrangement 1959-65 was controversial, and was discontinued 1695. Their neighbour, Sweden, did not use it during this period. However, in 1980 summer time was reintroduced (together with Sweden and Denmark), and since 1996 Norway has followed the European Union regarding transition dates.

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