Tairen Soul Series

The Tairen Soul
Lord of the Fading Lands, Lady of Light and Shadows, King of Sword and Sky, Queen of Song and Souls, Crown of Crystal and Flames
Author C.L. Wilson
Country United States
Language English
Genre Fantasy and Romance
Publisher Avon Books (US)
Published in English 2010

The Tairen Soul Series is a five-book high fantasy and romance novel series by C.L. Wilson.[1]


Lord of the Fading Lands

Tairen Soul Book 1

Literary Awards: HOLT Medallion by Virginia Romance Writers for Best First Book & Nominee for Paranormal/Time Travel/Futuristic/Fantasy (2008), OKRWA National Readers Choice Award for Best First Book & Futuristic, Fantasy, Time Travel, Paranormal (2007), Maggie Award for Excellence (Georgia Romance Writers) Nominee for Paranormal/Fantasy Romance (2008)

Lady of Light and Shadows

Tairen Soul Book 2

King of Sword and Sky

Tairen Soul Book 3

Queen of Song and Souls

Tairen Soul Book 4

Crown of Crystal Flame

Tairen Soul Finale

Plot Overview

Set in the world of Eloran, the Tairen Soul Series follows a humble woodcarvers daughter named Ellysetta Baristani and the king of the Fay, Rainer vel'En Daris. Nearly a thousand years ago the grief-stricken Fey king sought to destroy Eloran in a madness caused by the death of his mate during the Mage Wars. Due to the destruction caused from a thousand years ago the Fey King now fights to save his race from extinction.

Lord of the Fading Lands

Once, driven wild with grief over the murder of his beloved, the majestic Fey King Rain Tairen Soul had laid waste to the world before vanishing into the Fading Lands. Now, a thousand years later, a new threat draws him back into the world—and a new love reawakens the heart he thought long dead.

Ellysetta, a woodcarver's daughter, calls to Rain in a way no other ever had. Mysterious and magical, her soul beckons him with a compelling, seductive song—and no matter the cost, the wildness in his blood will not be denied.

As an ancient, familiar evil regains its strength, causing centuries-old alliances to crumble and threatening doom for Rain and his people... he must claim his truemate to embrace the destiny woven for them both in the mists of time.

Lady of Light and Shadows

Like an enchanted fairy tale prince he stepped from the sky to claim her—the Fey King, her destiny, her one and true love.

But behind the mesmerizing beauty of Rain's violet eyes Ellysetta saw the passionate hunger of the beast . . . and a sorrow, deep and ancient, that she alone could heal. Only for him would sheembrace the frightening power that dwells within her. Only with him at her side could she confront the shadows that haunt her soul. For an epic battle looms on the horizon—and only united can they hope to turn back the armies of the darkness.

King of Sword and Sky

Rain, the proud and haunted Fey King, risked everything to follow his heart and his destiny to Ellysetta—his truemate, his love, the woodcarver's daughter who possessed miraculous gifts she did not understand. He defied the nobles of Celieria to claim her, battled demons and Elden mages to wed her.

And now he must protect her—and his imperiled kingdom—with magic, steel, and scorching flame. For his soul-kin, the magical tairen, are dying, and only the Fey King's bride can save them . . . if Rain can help his beloved embrace the magic within her and forge the unbreakable bond of passion and power necessary to save her soul.

Queen of Song and Souls

The Fey King Rain and his truemate Ellysetta share a passionate love unrivaled in the history of their world—and a forbidden power that made them outcasts from the Fading Lands. As war looms and the evil mages of Eld threaten to rip their world asunder, they must fight to defend the very kingdom and people who reviled them.

Only by trusting completely in their love—and in themselves—can Rain and Ellysetta hope to defeat the gathering forces of Darkness. But it will take more than the strength of their devotion to endure. They must unlock the secrets of the past and find the courage to embrace the dangerous destiny that awaits them. Only they can save their world, but that victory might cost them their lives.

Crown of Crystal Flame

Seers had long foreseen an extraordinary destiny for Ellysetta Baristani. Already she had won the heart of the Fey King—the magnificent Rain, ever her ally, eternally her love. She had saved the offspring of the magical tairen and fought beside her legendary mate against the armies of Eld. But the most powerful—and dangerous—Verse of her Song had yet to be sung.

As the final battle draws nigh and evil tightens its grip upon her soul—will Ellysetta secure the world for Light or plunge it into Darkness for all eternity? As she and Rain fight for each other, side by side, will they find a way to complete their truemate bond and defeat the evil High Mage of Eld before it's too late, or must they make the ultimate sacrifice to save their world?


Main Protagonists

Main Antagonists


Eloran is home to several races, including Celierians, Fey, Elves, Danae, and Eld.[2]


Bordered by the Pereline Ocean to the east, and four of the World's most powerful magical races to the north, west, and south, Celieria exists as a buffering island of humanity in a sea of magical and immortal beings. Ruled by a King whose ancestors include a powerful Fey shei'dalin, Celieria has long been a close ally of the Fey. For a thousand years, the alliance stood strong and unchallenged, but times are changing. Distrust of the Fey is growing.[3]


The Fey are a race of legendary, fiercely powerful immortals. Also called the Shining Folk for their incomparable beauty and the faint luminosity of their pale skin, the Fey are champions of Light who throughout the millennia have willingly sacrificed themselves again and again to defeat the forces of darkness in the World. Their greatest enemies are the followers of Seledorn, God of Shadows, chief among them the dark-souled Mages of Eld. The Fey used to mingle freely with other races, but after the devastation of the Mage Wars, they returned to the Fading Lands, erected the Faering Mists, and withdrew from the World.[4]

About the Fey

Physically, all Fey are tall and slender, with pale, flawless skin that shines with a faint, silvery luminescence. Fey have bright, distinctive eyes with slightly elongated, pupils that can lengthen and widen like a cat's. Their eyes glow when they work magic or are under intense emotion.

Fey women are empaths and healers. Though powerful in their own right, their heightened empathic senses leave many of them vulnerable and unable to defend themselves against aggression. The strongest and most magically-gifted of the women are called shei'dalins, Truthspeakers. Though shei'dalins, like all Fey women, cannot kill, they can use touch to force truth from even the most hardened criminal and leave them weeping like infants. Shei'dalins can also use their empathy as a weapon, forcing evildoers to live each acute emotion suffered by every victim impacted by their crime. Most criminals would rather be drawn and quartered than suffer a shei'dalin's touch.

Fey men are trained from boyhood to be warriors, as fierce and deadly with magic as they are with the numerous swords and throwing daggers they wear. Each level in the Dance of Knives (warrior's training) takes decades to complete. Only the greatest and most powerful of Fey warriors, those who have completed a full four hundred years of weapons and magic training and who have achieved total mastery of at least one branch of Fey magic earn the right to guard a shei'dalin as a member of her cha'kor, her quintet of five Fey warriors who guard her with their lives when she leaves the safety of the Fading Lands.

Fey children possess a small amount of magic, but it is not until adolescence that the Fey come into the fullness of their gifts. Each young Fey boy must undertake a Soul Quest, a physical and spiritual journey, to discover the nature of his magical gifts and gain an understanding of his true soul. Upon completion of that quest, the tairen present the boy with his sorreisu'kiyr "Soul Quest crystal" a magic-amplifying stone made from Tairen's Eye crystal that is uniquely tuned to the magical frequency of the boy who receives it.

Among the Fey, men and women mate for life. There exist two separate and distinct mating bonds: e'tanitsa, bonds of the heart, and shei'tanitsa, bonds of the soul, or truemating. E'tanitsa is a bond that can be chosen between two Fey who love one another. Shei'tanitsa, the truemate bond, is a rare and singular joining of perfectly matched souls. It forms only between two people of equal magical strength, and only where deep and abiding love can form. Shei'tanitsa bonds ensure fertility, and truemates are the only Fey couples capable of bearing female children.[5]

Types of Fay

Fay Magic

Fey magic is composed of four elementals and two mystics, although all Fey are prohibited from wielding Azrahn, one of the two mystics.

Azreisenahn, more commonly called Azrahn. Azrahn is the soul magic, the unmaker, the magic that can control and manipulate souls of the living and the dead, including demons. Azrahn appears as shadowy black threads when woven, and the eyes of a person wielding Azrahn appear as black pits sparkling with red lights. Fey are forbidden, upon pain of banishment, to wield this dark, dangerous magic, and very little is known about its uses or limitations. The Eld Mages, however, wield it freely. Through Azrahn, the Mages can claim souls and force them to do their bidding as well as summon and control demons.

All Fey wield one or more of the four Elemental magics of the World and the mystic Spirit, though with varying degrees of mastery. Magic is spun as threads which are woven into a pattern. Multiple branches of magic can be interwoven to great effect. Fivefold weaves, which combine all four elementals and the one mystic controlled by the Fey, are extremely powerful, and the only defense against demons.[9]


The Elves closely resemble the Fey in appearance except for their tapered ears and golden-brown skin. The Elves are woodsmen, hunters and bowmen of great renown. They are led by their prince, Galad Hawksheart, Lord of Valorian, whose home lies in the heart of Deepwood, and by his twin sister, Illona Brighthand, who lives in the cloudforests of the Silvermist mountains. The Elves follow an ancient and complex prophecy called The Dance, through which it is said all the secrets of the World can be revealed.[10]


The groves and marshes of Danael serve as home to an elusive race of beings called the Danae. Although the Danae came to the aid of the Fey and Elves during the Mage Wars, they prefer to remain isolated from the rest of the world. Mortal lore is full of caution about Danae tree and water spirits who delight in luring intruders to their doom.[11]


The Eld are a race of long-lived mortal beings ruled by powerful sorcerous Mages who devote their lives to mastering the darkest magics of the world. The Mages are ruled by the Mage Council, which is headed by the High Mage of Eld. Unlike the Fey, who will live many thousands of years barring a mortal blow or the death of a bonded mate, Eld do eventually age and die, but the Mages have learned how to extend their already naturally long lives through magic. Instead of the normal Eld lifespan of two hundred years, Mages can live nearly a thousand years in each of up to six incarnations.[12]


Further reading


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