The Reincarnation of a Surfboard

The Reincarnation Of A Surfboard[1] is a body of sculpture work created by Ithaka (contemporary artist, musician, photographer, writer and surfer). The project, which began in 1989 consist of approximately three-hundred wall-hanging sculptures that have been made using recycled surfboards as raw building material. The series to date has been exhibited on four continents (Asia, Europe, North America, South America). The most recent solo exhibitions of these works were mesa hosted by Gallery WOA-Way Of Arts in Cascais, Portugal in December 2012, by Hurley International in Costa Mesa, California in October 2013 and F+ Gallery[2] in Santa Ana in February 2015.

In December 2012 during an interview piece regarding his solo showing of surfboard sculptures at Gallery WOA in Lisbon, Fuel TV Europe (a popular action sports channel) declared that Ithaka was "the Godfather of contemporary surf art".[3]

The Reincarnation Of A Surfboard: In Solo Exhibitions

The Reincarnation Of A Surfboard: In Group Exhibitions

Book Appearances


TV Features

Magazine, Newspapers and Web Features


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