Subash Gautam

Dr Subash C Gautam

Dr Subash C Gautam FRCS Glasg (Hon), FCPS Pak (Hon), FRCS Eng, FRCS Ed, FRCS Glasg, FACS MD is the Founder and Director of the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) programme in the United Arab Emirates. He has led the promulgation, development and implementation of the programme from 2004 onwards.[1]

He is also the recipient of the highly prestigious ATLS International Award,[2] for his services to the propagation and development of the ATLS Programme in the Middle East and Africa. Dr Gautam has tirelessly worked to improve the Emergency and Trauma services by encouraging and aiding in the development of ATLS in India,[3] Pakistan,[4] Nigeria,[5] Lebanon, Syria and Oman.

He is also well known amongst the medical community in the UAE, as being a Founder-Member and former President of the Emirates Medical Association (Gastroenterology Division). The Emirates Medical Association (EMA) is responsible for regulatory and educational development of the member doctors within the United Arab Emirates, as well as having important Government lobbying remits. Its function in this regards, is very similar to that of the British Medical Association (BMA).

Early life

Born in small village in Panjab, early schooling in Banga, New Delhi, Nawashahr and Phagwara. Did Premedical from DAV College Jallandar Panjab, joined Govt Medical College Amritsar.

Medical career

Amritsar medical School was one of the premier institutes in Punjab, India for higher studies. As such, it had a merit system of enrollment requiring students to compete in an open application process. Dr. Gautam, during his student days was Secretary and subsequently President of the Central Student Association (Student's Union).

He was awarded a number of distinctions and medals whilst at University including Best Actor, Best Social Worker and Best Cadet medals. He was entrusted to organize the Regional Student Festival, which was a rare distinction for a medical student. Having passed through his medical studies with ease, Dr. Gautam embarked on his journey to become a leading General and Gastroenterological Surgeon.

Dr. Gautam started Laparoscopic Surgery in April 1992, a first in the Northern Emirates and performed the first Stapling Haemorrhoidectomy and Endoscopic Assisted Thyroidectomy in the United Arab Emirates. He was awarded Best Original Article award from Emirates Medical Journal and has contributed to national and international journals regularly.[6][7]

Continuing Medical Education

Dr Gautam has demonstrated his commitment to the CME programmes in the United Arab Emirates over the last thirty years, by organising many of the regions foremost medical and surgical conferences.

Current Positions Held


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