Soeiro Raimundes de Riba de Vizela

Soeiro Raimundes de Riba de Vizela
Born 12th century
Kingdom of Portugal
Died 13th century
Kingdom of Portugal
Religion Roman Catholic
Occupation Military

Soeiro Raimundes de Riba de Vizela (1160-1220) was a Portuguese nobleman, alferes-mor of Afonso II of Portugal.[1]


Soeiro Raimundes was born in Portugal, son of Raimundo Pais de Riba de Vizela and Dordia Afonso de Riba Douro, granddaughter of Egas Moniz, o Aio.[2]

Soeiro Raimundez of Riba de Vizela was the husband of Urraca Viegas Barroso, daughter Egas Gomes Barroso and Urraca Vasques de Ambia.[3]


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