Siberian Black Pied pig

Siberian Black Pied
Other names Russian: Cибиpcкaя чepнo-пecтpaя
Sibirskaya cherno-pestraya
Country of origin Russia
Sus scrofa domesticus

The Siberian Black Pied (Russian: Cибиpcкaя чepнo-пecтpaя, Sibirskaya cherno-pestraya) is a pig breed from Russia. The breed was raised from stock rejected in the process of developing the North Siberian breed. It is a specialised breed for the Novosibirsk region with headcount ranging from 4000 to 12000 since the 1960s according to the FAO.[1]

See also


  1. Koziner, B.; Shtakelberg, E.R. (1989). "Animal genetic resources of the USSR" (pdf). FAO. p. 151. Retrieved 27 May 2014.
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