Rob Brooks-Bilson

Rob Bilson is a contributor to the ColdFusion community, known for authoring one of the bibles of the field, the O'Reilly book Programming ColdFusion. He also helped create the and sites as repositories for community contributions of several libraries of freely available functions and CFCs, many of which he contributed himself.

Bilson has written several articles on ColdFusion for Macromedia, Intranet Design Magazine, CFAdvisor, O'Reilly, and CNET's, and he is also a frequent speaker at ColdFusion user groups and conferences and is also a Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer.

Professionally, he is Senior IT Director at Amkor Technology, where he has worked since 1996. His involvement with ColdFusion goes all the way back to version 1.5 and includes several large-scale projects.


Web Sites




Speaking Engagements

This initial information was obtained from Team Macromedia biography.


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