Revaz Lordkipanidze

Revaz Lordkipanidze, 2012

Revaz Lordkipanidze (Georgian: რევაზ ლორთქიფანიძე, was born 1965, 7 Jan., Georgia) is economist, politician (winner of the first local democratic election of Georgia in 1991, Batumi), doctor of sciences (economics, world economy and international economic relations), gold medalist of Georgian Ministry of Education [1] (References: 8, P. 117; 29, See P. 9-12 in English)

Revaz Lordkipanidze is author of publications about religious base of economic growth, US role in world progress and new structure of world market,[2] stabilization of the banking system, currency and finance,[3] objective law of economic competition - "The less is percent ratio of biggest supplier on the market, the more is competition among entrepreneurs" (Ref. 23, P. 3), theories of efficiency of rational competition (Ref. all 22), economic relativity (Ref: 8, P. 26-27; 11; 12) and competitive equilibrium (Ref. 8, P. 49-105), etc.

For practice of inter-money system optimal stimulation and macroeconomic structure marginal efficiency, R. Lordkipanidze defines (Ref. 23, P. 4-5) the force of economic competition approximately as The Force of electric current. By indexes of Lordkipanidze law of economic competition, the less are output of monopoly and excess (disquality or needless) production (or services), the more is the force of competition. R. Lordkipanidze defines two constituents of force (I0 and I1) and their integral influence (K): I0 = U/R0 ; I1 = U/R1; K= N × I0× I1, where U is total production; R0 – non-realized production; R1 - output of the largest firm (maybe monopoly); N – number of firms. Revaz Lordkipanidze uses own indexes of economic competition with HHI (The United States, Department of Justice, Herfindahl-Hirschman Indexalso about Herfindahl-Hirschman Index) for conceptual argumentations of international antimonopoly policy against poverty in effective structure of world economy (Ref. 15, P. 4-5) and Managerial Costs in Health Care Reforms (Ref: 10, P. 118-134; 30, P. 12).

By R. Lordkipanidze's Formulation for development of EU formulate of effective ecostructural changes in operative ecopolicy (Ref. 23, P. 4) E= ∑ [(Eio+Eit)/2]Δai; i=1;2;…;n

E – Effectiveness of ecostructural changes in t time; Eio – Effectiveness of i element of structure for start of t time; Eit – Effectiveness of i element of structure for finish of t time; Δai – percent change (:100) of i element of used resource's structure in t time; i=1;2;…;n – element of structure (branch, region or age group of technique, etc.).

This formulation of R. Lordkipanidze has different interpretations in conditions of crisis and if E≥0.[4]

Revaz Lordkipanidze is author of Christian Chants [5] and Verses (Ref. 44).

He graduated Tbilisi State University with Honored Diploma (1986) and Institute of Economy and Law (Georgian Academy of Sciences, 1990), St. Petersburg State University with diploma of doctor (1998–1999), was member (first from post USSR countries) of The Academy of Political Science (NY, United States) with certificates (1998–2010), with successfully certify EU TACIS Project (Cleaner production, 2003) and University of Minnesota (The United States, Training program, 2011), elected academician of Georgian Academy of Economic Sciences (2013). As young doctor of sciences (1999) Revaz Lordkipanidze granted with the first quality scholarship of President of Georgia (2001) and He is in Georgian Economic encyclopedia (Ref: 6, Head of authors' group and editorial board Avtandil Silagadze, P. 377; 7, P. 89; 29, P. 7-10).

In theory of economic relativity, Revaz Lordkipanidze summarizes the practice of price behavior. The author considers, that some Christian masterpieces (for example Wonder-working Icon), natural resources (for example uranium and any other resources for mc² by mass-energy equivalence ) and scientific and technological innovations (for example computer) can have a huge price (even invaluable for Humanity) in the comparison (relatively) to costs of their production. Revaz Lordkipanidze offers also conclusions for construction new economic system in macroeconomics of post-crisis conditions and competitive non-monopolistic equilibrium (between private and public properties) as optimal way of marginal results of economical system (Ref: 8, P. 24-26; 11, P. 355-358; 12, P. 50-55).

After win (independently, without Communist party) in the first local democratic election of Georgia in center of the sea capital of Georgia - Batumi, Revaz Lordkipanidze was initiator for creation of Ministry of Economy in Georgia and the first acting head of this Ministry in significant geopolitical region - Achara (See Governmental decisions of Georgia in 1993–1998 years). He is also initiator for real free economic zone in Georgia, as base of fast economic growth and peaceful international cooperation, author of recommendations for international anti-monopoly policy, structure of property, new rational (effective) economic relations, healthcare reforms (Ref: 7-43), etc.

R. Lordkipanidze writes, that "The great force of Faith is even in material Economy... The main miracle of mankind is the God's blessed material fire, which given to us without material costs always exactly at the same time of the Great Resurrection of Christ. Almost The same miracles are healing myrrh-streaming Icons. Some violent "humans" tend to forget it and the good force of Christ, but in the end they won't unnoticed by God, which is comprehensive and sees all and gives to people a chance for a correction, but "There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs" [Luke 12:2-3] (Ref: 42).

The generalization of principal formulation of R. Lordkipanidze is "Maximal Free Market + Wise State = Non-monopolistic equilibrium" (Ibid, the same Ref).

Participation in events of different organizations (Ref. 29, P. 10) :



6. Information about Revaz Lordkipanidze - Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics (in Georgian), Tbilisi, Tbilisi State University Publishing House, Publishing House "Innovation", 2005 (In Georgian).

7. Lordkipanidze R., About the Christian, Political and Theoretical bases of Economic growth, Tbilisi, 2005 (In Georgian).

8. Lordkipanidze R., About the Christian, Political and Theoretical bases of Economic growth, Tbilisi, 2013 (New edition in Georgian), ISBN 978-9941-0-5303-0,

9. Lordkipanidze R., Factors of competitiveness level of market. - Tbilisi, Georgian Academy of Economic Sciences, Works, vol. XI, 2013, P. 338-352 (In Georgian).

10. Lordkipanidze R., Managerial Costs in Healthcare. - Tbilisi, University Geomedi, 2013 (In Georgian), ISBN 978-9941-0-5304-7,

11. Lordkipanidze R., About structure of property. - Bulletin of Georgian Academy of Sciences, vol. 147, 1993, № 2, P. 355-358 (In Georgian).

12. Lordkipanidze R., About relativity of property and prices. - Georgian Academy of Sciences' Herald, Economics and Law Series, 1992, № 3, P. 50-55 (In Georgian).

13. Lordkipanidze R., We must think for new effective economic system. - The New Economist, 2013, № 1, P. 63-64 (In English).

14. Lordkipanidze R., Global competition for effective enrichment of a human. - Tbilisi, 2014, (In Georgian).

15. Lordkipanidze R., For international antimonopoly policy against poverty in effective structure of world economy (Conception). - (In English).

16. Lordkipanidze R., Discovery of signs and indexes оf Law of economic competition with similarity of Law of electric current. - (In Russian).

17. Lordkipanidze R., Georgia on crossroad of international economic integration. - (In Georgian).

18. Lordkipanidze R., International economic competition and effective management’s mechanisms. - (In Georgian).

19. Lordkipanidze R., Management with speed of light. - (In Georgian).

20. Lordkipanidze R., World economy’s perspectives in era of global сompetition and cyber-technologies. - (In Georgian).

21. Lordkipanidze R., etc. Innovative unordinary management and marketing for the nearest strategy. - (In Georgian).

22. Lordkipanidze R., For defense of the force of rational competition – from myth to discovery of law, ISBN 978-9941-0-7312-0 (PDF), (In Georgian).

23. Lordkipanidze R., The Objective Law of Competition, Tbilisi, 2015, ISBN 978-9941-0-7342-7 (PDF), (In English).

24. Lordkipanidze R., The socio-economic factors of health of older human, Tbilisi, 2015, ISBN 978-9941-0-7548-3 (PDF), (In Georgian).

25. Lordkipanidze R., Computer Generation for the great jump of a human’s economic welfare, Tbilisi, 2015, ISBN 978-9941-0-7587-2 (PDF), (In Georgian).

26. Lordkipanidze R. (head of authors' group), The Healthcare Reform for a Human’s Longevity, Tbilisi, 2015, ISBN 978-9941-0-7831-6 (PDF), (In Georgian).

27. Lordkipanidze R., The Comments about the Objective Law of International Competition, Tbilisi, 2015, ISBN 978-9941-0-7882-8 (PDF), (In Georgian).

28. Lordkipanidze R., The Influence of Competition on Growth Rates and Proportions in World Economy, Tbilisi, 2015, ISBN 978-9941-0-7992-4 (PDF), (In Georgian with English).

29. Lordkipanidze R., About Potential Macroeconomic Competitiveness and Life’s Quality (Issues of Theological and Economic Sciences and Preventative Medicine and Mass Sport), Tbilisi, 2015, ISBN 978-9941-0-8166-8 (PDF); 978-9941-0-8198-9, (In Georgian with English).

30. Lordkipanidze R., The Management of Business in the Healthcare (Lecture-methodical Material), Tbilisi, 2013, (In Georgian).

31. Lordkipanidze R., About the Graphical Interpretation of the Objective Law of the Economic Competition, Tbilisi, 2015, ISBN 978-9941-0-8317-4 (PDF), (In Georgian).

32. Lordkipanidze R., Phillips curve and necessity of global audit for living level’s essential growth, Tbilisi, 2013,

33. Lordkipanidze R., The Comments on the Issues of the Christian Basis of an Economic Competition and Human’s Enrichment, Tbilisi, 2015, ISBN 978-9941-0-8343-3 (PDF), (In Georgian).

34. Lordkipanidze R., The Effective Competition in International Business and the Social Perspectives, Tbilisi, 2015, ISBN 978-9941-0-8382-2 (PDF), (In Georgian and English).

35. Lordkipanidze R., For Independent Effective Economy and Humans’ Happiness, Tbilisi, 2016,

36. Lordkipanidze R., The Political Principles of the Economic Independence, Tbilisi, 2016, ISBN 978-9941-0-8453-9 (PDF), (In Georgian).

37. Lordkipanidze R., Public Lecture: “About General-theoretical Views of Post-communist Countries’ Healthcare Management Problems and Their Solutions”, Tbilisi, 2016,

38. Lordkipanidze R., About the New Direction of Management, Tbilisi, 2016, ISBN 978-9941-0-8807-0 (PDF), (In Georgian).

39. Lordkipanidze R., The New “Competitive Management”, Tbilisi, 2016, ISBN 978-9941-0-8809-4 (PDF), (In English).

40. Lordkipanidze R., The Generalization of Smith and Nash Polar Opposite Principles about the Perfection of a Market and own Political-Economic and Mathematical Interpretation, Tbilisi, 2016, ISBN 978-9941-0-9165-0 (PDF), ISBN 978-9941-0-9179-7, (In Georgian).

41. Lordkipanidze R., The Long-term Strategic Care of Global Processes and about Tasks of Georgia's Economic Rehabilitation for Years 2017-2020. - Tbilisi, 2016, ISBN 978-9941-0-9308-1 (PDF), (In Georgian).

42. Lordkipanidze R., Happiness is Faith (About my theory),

43. Lordkipanidze R., The Lecture-Methodological Material on the Issues of Managerial Costs and the Global Financial Audit (Dedicated to the new chance by the exemplary democratic choice of Donald Trump for the minimization of a global poverty and mass conflicts), - Tbilisi, 2016, ISBN 978-9941-0-9382-1 (PDF), (In Georgian).

44. Lordkipanidze R., The Glories to the God and true servants of the Mother Church. - (In Georgian).

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