List of books in the Public Domain

Symbol used to indicate that a work is under public domain.

Public domain books are every Book written and created without any type of license or are published under a Public domain license. Public domain books are also books that never had have a copyright license (either because copyright laws did not exist or because the author shoose to not use a license) or that the copyright has expired[1] or have been forfeited.[2]

Every book or tale written before 1787 belongs to the public domain and in most countries every book written before 1945 belongs to the public domain, among them; Cantar de Mio Cid, Bible, Quran, every book written by Aristotle, Miguel de Cervantes, Jane Austen, Lewis Carroll, Edgar Allan Poe and H. G. Wells.

3rd millennium BC books

29th century BC

28th century BC

26th century BC

25th century BC

24th century BC

23rd century BC

21st century BC

2nd millennium BC books

20th century BC

19th century BC

18th century BC

17th century BC

16th century BC

15th century BC

14th century BC

13th century BC

12th century BC

11th century BC

1st millennium BC books

10th century BC

8th century BC

7th century BC

6th century BC

5th century BC

4th century BC

3rd century BC

2nd century BC

1rst century BC

1st millennium DC books

1st century DC

2nd century DC

3rd century DC

4th century DC

5th century DC

6th century DC

7th century DC

8th century DC

9th century DC

2nd millennium DC books

10th century DC

11th century DC

12th century DC

13th century DC

14th century DC

15th century DC

16th century DC

17th century DC

18th century DC

19th century DC

3rd millennium DC books

20th century DC

21st century DC

Hundreds of books enter the public domain every year in the 21st century, but also new formats are created, among them, audiobooks. LibriVox projects aim to record and digitize every book in the public domain in different languages, to allow listening to books when there is no book or ebook reader available, and also allows the blind to enjoy books.

Access and repositories of public domain books

Books that belong to the public domain are digitalized and stored on websites such as Internet Archive or Europeana in many formats such as EPUB (for reading on ebook readers), PDF, ODT and Docx. These books can be converted from .txt, .odt, .pdf or .doc formats to EPUB format (to read on E-readers) with apps like Calibre and Sigil (both Free software).

Public domain books can be copied, edited, downloaded, shared, printed, sold or read freely, in analog or digital formats, on computers, tablets, or e-readers without restrictions. They are available on many websites.

In 1971 Michael S. Hart launched Project Gutenberg, which aims to digitize and preserve every book that belongs to the public domain, which initially worked under ARPANET and after that worked under internet.

In 1996 Brewster Kahle launched Internet Archive to preserve books, music, films and websites.

In 2001 Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger launched Wikipedia and in 2003 launched Wikisource.

In 2005 Hugh McGuire started LibriVox project, a website to create, listen to and share audiobooks.

Many countries and even continents have taken action to preserve and promote access to science and culture, among them the European Union which in 2008 launched Europeana, an online public domain library that preserve millions of books, pictures, audio files, songs and movies.

See also


External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 11/3/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.