Camarotella acrocomiae

Camarotella acrocomiae
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Ascomycota
Class: Sordariomycetes
Subclass: Incertae sedis
Order: Phyllachorales
Family: Phyllachoraceae
Genus: Camarotella
Species: C. acrocomiae
Binomial name
Camarotella acrocomiae
(Mont.) K.D. Hyde & P.F. Cannon, (1999)
  • Auerswaldia rimosa Speg., (1888)
  • Bagnisiopsis astrocaryae (Rehm) Petr., (1940)
  • Bagnisiopsis roystoneae (J.R. Johnst. & Bruner) Cif., (1961)
  • Camarotella astrocaryae (Rehm) Theiss. & Syd., (1915)
  • Catacauma torrendiella Bat., (1948)
  • Dothidea acrocomiae Mont., (1856)
  • Hysterodothis rimosa (Speg.) Höhn., Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, (1909)
  • Montagnella astrocaryae Rehm, (1897)
  • Phaeochora acrocomiae (Mont.) Theiss. & Syd., (1915)
  • Phyllachora acrocomiae (Mont.) Sacc., (1883)
  • Phyllachora cocoicola Henn., (1895)
  • Phyllachora roystoneae J.R. Johnst. & Bruner, (1918)
  • Phyllachora torrendiella (Bat.) Subileau, Renard & Dennet., (1993)
  • Sphaerodothis acrocomiae (Mont.) Arx & E. Müll., (1954)
  • Sphaerodothis rimosa (Speg.) Shear, (1909)
  • Sphaerodothis torrendiella (Bat.) J.L. Bezerra, (1991)

Camarotella acrocomiae is a plant pathogen.

External links


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