Phoebe Caldwell

Phoebe Caldwell is an practitioner in Intensive interaction, working mainly with children and adults on the autistic spectrum. She has over 30 years experience as a practitioner with people whose severe learning disabilities are linked with behavioural distress.

She was a Rowntree Research Fellow for four years. She trains professionals, therapists, managers, practitioners, parents and carers in the approach known as Intensive Interaction. She is employed by the NHS, anSocial Services, Community Services and Education Services to work with difficult-to-provide-for individuals.

She is the author of eight books, including 'Finding You Finding Me', 'From Isolation to Intimacy, and 'Using Intensive Interaction and Sensory Integration' (the latter two with Jane Horwood, Paediatric Occupational Therapist) published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers. She also features in four training films.


Phoebe Caldwell has been recognized ) by BBC news[1] and The Times. She recently won the Times/Sternberg award for her work to improve the outlook for people with severe autism.[2]


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