Nyota Radio Television

Nyota Radio Télé

Nyota logo
Launched Summer 2007
Slogan La chaine la plus proche de vous.
la chaîne qui fait du sport réellement son affaire
Country Democratic Republic of Congo

Route Kasapa - 2nd Floor Batiment Congo,

Commune de Lubumbashi, Katanga
Website www.nyota.net

Nyota Radio Télévision (commonly referred to as Nyota TV and Nyota FM) is a private commercial TV and radio station based in Lubumbashi, Province of Katanga broadcasting to the local population on issues that are closely related to them, therefore living up to its motto "La chaîne la plus proche de vous", meaning The station that is the closest in relation with you (its population). The network was founded in the summer of 2007. Beside being a network that is close to its people; Nyota TV is sporting network, that lives up to its second motto "La chaîne qui fait du sport réellement son affaire" meaning the station that really makes of sports its own affair.


After only one year of existence, Nyota TV has quickly advanced in televisions broadcasting[1] in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Its achievement includes a homemade broadcasting truck, from which two of the 2008 CAF Champions League games were broadcast from and the live feed signal was sent via satellite for the live broadcasting of the games across Africa and the rest of the world on many other channels.[2] The station continues to broadcast events that are shown in the capital city of kinshasa via satellite.[3]



As a station that prides itself on staying close to the people it serves, Nyota TV and Nyota FM puts a lot of effort in providing the latest and most accurate news to its viewers. This effort has paid off as the main TV news edition broadcast every day at 7:00PM local time is the most watched program of the network. In the evening alone, Nyota TV broadcasts four different editions of the news starting at 6:00PM with Tarifa Ya Habari (the edition in Swahili), at 7:00PM the main edition in French, at 9:00PM an updated version of the main edition without a host and the last edition comes at 11:00PM, all times are local. As of November 8, 2008 the 9:00PM edition of the news can be seen daily on the internet by visiting the network's website www.nyota.net


Nyota TV and Nyota FM are well known for the wide variety of sporting events that it covers throughout the province of Katanga. The network broadcasts several programs relating to sports during the week as well as on week-ends. The network's main sport show is Sport Star which is a daily sport news show with a special edition on Mondays called Tempo Sport covering all the sporting events from the past week-end as well as other sport related topics that are making the headline not only around the province but also around the country. Other sports shows produced by the network are Sportissimo(radio), Timu Kubwa (show in Swahili), Le Sportif parle, All sports, Plein foot (concentrated on soccer), Clein d'oeil(radio).


Throughout the week, the network provides educational programs that allows the population of the Katanga region to better tackle obstacles that may come their way in their daily activities. Such programs are:


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