Medical Institute of North Caucasian Humanitarian and Technological Academy

Medical Institute of North Caucasian State Humanitarian and Technological Academy
Медицинский Институт СевКав ГГТА

Ipsa scientia potestas est –

Self Knowledge – is power !!

Само знание – есть сила !!
Type Government
Established 2004
Rector Ruslan Maharovich
Director Chaushev Israfil Nazbievich
Academic staff
MD-General Medicine; MDS-Stomatology; Bio-Technology
Students Totally 5000 (Russian Russia and foreign Nepal India Lebanon Bangladesh Armenia Turkmenistan Nigeria Kenya China South Korea Vietnam Georgia (country) State of Palestine Israel Iraq Republic of the Congo Sri Lanka Botswana Burundi Egypt Ethiopia Ghana Mauritius Morocco Namibia Pakistan) Albania State of Palestine Zambia)
Location Cherkessk,  Russia

Medical Institute of North Caucasian Humanitarian and Technological Academy - Located in Cherkessk city center with many departments and own clinics with numbers of beds. Medical Institute is a part of North Caucasian State Humanitarian and Technological Academy. Academy has 10 Institutes and more than 20 Faculties.

Medical Institute of the North-Caucasian State Humanitarian Technological Academy established in 2004 to address human resource issues in Cherkessk on the most popular specialties-Doctor. Inaccordance with a license to conduct educational activities in the field of higher education at the institute provides training in the specialtyDoctorofMedicine. Medical Institut eoccupies a unique place among medical institutions in Russia (andintheworld) as a vital, diverse andinter-denominational community. The Institution has demonstrated that it is possible to be committed to quality primary care while encouraging the development of excellent tertiary health cares ervices. This approach i spossible in the contex to faholistic understanding of health and healing. The emphasis on training doctors to go back and serve in their own Countries has maintained. A large number of for training. This enables them to make up to date health services available for people in rural and semiurban areas in differen tparts of the country, through the hospitals under their auspices. It expect that those who receive training here will keep the need softhe people of his country for emostin their minds when they start their vocation. The trainees are exposed to the most modern developments in medical sciences and at the same time equal emphas is given to making them service oriented so that the yidentify themselves with the communit ywhere they are called to serve.


Medical Institute of NCSHTA established in 2004 as the youngest Institution in Government sector. The Institution consistently ranks amongst the top ten Medical Institutions in the country. Students from over 18 countries graduate from the Academy every year and its degrees recognized worldwide.

Medical Institute of NCSHTA has one of the finest learning environments in Russian Federation with infrastructure and faculty that support students to earn their skills to become outstanding Medical professionals.

Medical Institute of NCSHTA listed in World Health Organization Directory, as well as students from Indian Republic can appear in Medical Council of India’s Screening Test.

Medical Institute of NCSHTA has strong linkages with national and international universities. Students from many countries opting their UG / PG programs in our Academy.


The university

In Medical Institute annually trains over 2000 students - the faculty of General Medicine training and retraining the professionals for specializations, each academic year more than 50 Doctors trained in the internship, residency, the graduate school. The Academy separately operating the coordinators for additional post-graduate education with higher profeesion of the Noth Caucasian District.

The Academy operates 54 department, which employs over 800 people teaching staff, of whom more than 85 doctors, professors, about 250 candidates. The university engaged in research and clinical activities, and 21 academician, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. 35 professors are members of other Russian and international academies.

The University has its own clinic, which has 500 beds, and apart from this has its bases in the largest city hospitals also, which enables the students to acquire sound practical knowledge and skills. University buildings and clinics are provided with up-to-date equipment, and other modern appliances. There are 63 departments, 27 of them are clinical based in the best clinics of the city, more than 150 research and educational institutions function in NCSHTA.

The names of our outstanding ophthalmologists, traumatologists, morphologists, immunologists, orthopedists, cardiologists, physiologists are known all over the world. The main directions of the scientific-investigation activity of the University are:

  1. Studying of the pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria and effectivity of the treatment HIV-infections;
  2. The pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of the heart-vascular diseases
  3. Development and introduction of the methods of the X-ray diagnostics and radiation therapy;
  4. Studying of the pathogenesis mechanisms and development the treatment methods of the ulcerative disease;
  5. Development and improvement of the methods of the prophylaxis, diagnostic and treatment of the urological diseases;
  6. Development and introduction of the methods of the diagnostics and early revelation of the tuberculosis;
  7. Ethiopathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment of the blood system diseases;
  8. Reconstructive surgical procedures for the treatment of posttraumatic patients;
  9. Diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of the patients with the mental illnesses, development of the measures for the urgent psychiatric and medico-psychological help in social stress and extreme situations.

Rector of NCSHTA

Academy Bulding

Prof. Kochkarov Ruslan Maharovich is appointed as Rector of North caucasian State Humanitarian and Technological Academy. He started his education in 1979-Stavropol Aviation Training Center, qualification -the pilot of fighter aircraft (A-29Ooty-MiG-15,MiG17). 1984 - Faculty of electronics and instrumentation. Saratov Polytechnic Institute, qualification - engineer electrician. 1991 - Academy of the Ministry of Inte rior of the USSR, Rostov Department, qualification lawyer. 1996 - Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), qualification - lawyer expert in the field of public administration. 1997 - Postgraduate Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice, PhD. Professional experience: from 1975 to 1976 - Circassian factory of refrigeration engineering, Karachaevo-Cherkessian regional committee of Komsomol from 1985 to 1992-service in the Internal Affairs Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR from 1992 to 2002 - A federal judge Cherkessk City Court from 2003 to 2009 - service in the government of the Republic of Karachaevo-Cherkessia bodies: Deputy Secretary of the Security Council, Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of Karachaevo Cherkessia. 1997 - teaching activity, Head of the Department “Criminal Law and Procedure” Karachaevo Cherkessian Academy of Technology, Associate Professor. Since June, 2009. - 25.11.2012g. - Director of the North - Caucasian Law Institute (branch) VPO “SGYUA” 26.11.2012- appointed as acting rector of VPO “North-Caucasian State Humanitarian and Technological Academy” 23.04.2013 - appointed as rector of Federal Government Budget Educational Organization “North-Caucasian State Humanitarian and Technological Academy,”the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.


Medical Institute of NCSHTA is a member of the North Caucasus Research Center High School and head of its medical department. Scientific researches are carried out on the basis of the departments, clinics and in scientific divisions. Central Scientifically Research Laboratory, Scientific of Clinical Morphology and Genetics, Clinico-biochemical-scientific-studying Complex, the Centre of Surgery are organized and function at the University. The Centre of Microbiological Methods of Research is being created at the University. Scientists of Rostov State Medical University cooperate with many establishments of the Russian Academy of Science, the Russian Academy of Medical Science.

The international scientific cooperation is carried out with scientific and medical establishments, with large foreign high schools: the High Medical Institute of Pleven (Bulgaria), Medical Faculty of Glasgow University (Great Britain), Medical Faculty of Southern Alabama Mobil University (USA), Universities of Rochester and Illinois (USA), the Dutch Centre of Science on application and introduction of information methods of treatment, Institute of AIDS of the Harward University (USA), Medical Faculty of the Cologne University (Germany). During the last years the cooperation with firms - manufacturers of medical equipment and pharmaceutical preparations is being developed.

Scientists of the University carry out cooperation in scientific-practical activities with European Haematologic Association, with the European School of Pathologists in Italy, the World Psychiatric Association, the Royal Society of Doctors of England, the International Association of Anatomists and Integrative Anthropologists.


Listed in World Health Organization (WHO) Medical schools Directory, as well as students from Indian Republic can appear in Medical Council of India’s (MCI) Screening Test.

Global Education in Medicine Exchange (GEMX) an ECFMG initiative. It is a Global Medical students Exchange program.

Listed in IMED (International Medical Education Directory), as well as placed at Foundation for Advancement of International Medical education and Research (FAIMER). FAIMER School ID: 0003395.

Recognized by Pakistan Medical Council (PMC). Academy having affiliated programs with most of the Medical Schools worldwide.

Medical faculty of NCSHTA - is

- Descendant of the Russian Imperial University of Warsaw, the focus of the preservation of Russian culture and intelligence.

- An international university, which trains more than 100 nationalities and ethnic groups;

- System of training students, nurses, laboratory technicians, paramedics, doctors, pharmacists, managers, graduate students, doctoral students;

- The system of continuous training at the pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate stages;

- Preparation of domestic and foreign nationals in the field:

The University has collaborated with the World Federation for Medical Education, the World Health Organization, UNESCO, the British Council, the United States Agency for International Development, the American International Health Alliance, and participating in a wide range of joint international research projects.

Director of Medical Institute

Israfil Nazbievich is a member of the Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (SPRAS). Actively engaged in scientific activities, successfully applying scientific achievements in practice. He was the first in the world in 1991, made allotransplantation microsurgery in fetal organs and tissues in the human vascular pedicle.

In 1996, in a rural district hospital he successfully replanted a segment of the lower extremity with complete separation of the leg and foot. He is the first who conducted nerve micro vascular bypass surgery of the distal arteries, plastic surgery with patches on the vascular pedicle.

In 2002, performed successfully in a rural district hospital another operation replantation leg and foot of child with a limb amputation resulting from injuries. It was 15th operation of this kind. Under his leadership, Ministry of Health of KCR successfully entered the top ten among the Ministries of Health of Russian regions.

In Russian federation and abroad Israfil Nazbievich widely known for his consummate skill operations in the field of vascular surgery. Operations, which cost in the prestigious western clinics thousands of dollars, Dr. Chaushev holds in a provincial hospital.

At present under his direction Medical Institute reaching important place in Russian Medical Universities. Apart from this, Dr. Chaushev preparing more than 100’s of International students and post graduates in the Medical Institute. He is the founder of English Medium Sector of the Medical Institute of North Caucasian State Humanitarian Technological Academy.

Academic Units


  1. 1 2 "Rostov State Medical University -". Retrieved 11 September 2016.

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