Magatsuki (professional wrestling)

Members See below
Name(s) Magatsuki
Debut April 14, 2013
Years active 2013–present
Promotions K-Dojo

Magatsuki (マガツキ Magatsuki) is a stable formed in Kaientai Dojo promotion. On April 14 after Kengo Mashimo and Ryuichi Sekine defeated Hiro Tonai and Shiori Asahi, Mashimo turned on Sekine and Kunio Toshima and Saburo Inematsu joined Mashimo an alliance. The stable was officialized in May. On June 16 the rookie Yuma made is debut in Kaientai Dojo and he was kidnaped. On July 15 Yuma joined the stable and he formed a alliance with Toshima. At the 2014 BO-SO Golden Tag Tournament semifinals Mashimo and Inematsu lost to HIROKI and Yuji Hino after the match Inematsu leaved the stable and formed Bozz Rengo with Daigoro Kashiwa. In May 2014 Tank Nagai joined the stable and they named the stable Magatsuki. On December 29, 2014 Yuki Sato joined the stable. On September 6 Sato and Mashimo defeated Taka Michinoku and Men's Teioh to win the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions with the help from Yuma and Nagai defeated Yuji Hino to win the Champion of Strongest-K with the help from the rest of the members of Magatsuki and Nagai became the leader of the stable. On October 18, 2015 Yuma asked DOUKI to joined the stable and DOUKI accepted and Yuma announced that they were going to compete in the Seven Men hardcore rumble for the WEW Hardcore Tag Team Champions. On November 14 DOUKI wrestle his last match on K-Dojo and left the stable. On November 6 Ayumu Honda joined the stable.



On April 14 after Kengo Mashimo and Ryuichi Sekine defeated Hiro Tonai and Shiori Asahi, Mashimo turned on Sekine and Kunio Toshima and Saburo Inematsu joined Mashimo an alliance. The stable was officialized in May. On June 16 the rookie Yuma made is debut in Kaientai Dojo and he was kidnaped. On July 15 Yuma joined the stable and he formed a alliance with Toshima. At the 2013 Sea King Tournament Mashimo, Inematsu, Yuma and Toshima participated at the tournament. Yuma was eliminated at the first round by Mashimo and Inematsu was eliminated at the first round by Ryuichi Sekine and Toshima was elimianted at the Quarter finals by Ryota Chikuzen. On September 1 Mashimo defeated Sekine at the finals to win the Sea King Tournament and to win Champion of Strongest-K. On October 13 Mashimo made his first successfull title defense of the Champion of Strongest-K by defeating Ricky Fuji. On November 16 Mashimo made his second successfull title defense of the Champion of Strongest-K by defeating Tank Nagai. On December 22 Mashimo made his third successfull title defense of the Champion of Strongest-K by defeating Shiori Asahi.


On January 26 Mashimo made fourth successfull title defense of the Champion of Strongest-K by defeating Daigoro Kashiwa. Mashimo and Inematsu and Yuma and Toshima participated at the 2014 BO-SO Golden Tag Tournament and Mashimo and Inematsu defeated at the first round Hiroshi Fukuda and Shiori Asahi and Toshima and Yuma lost at the first round to Kotaro Nasu and Ryuichi Sekine. At the semifinals Mashimo and Inematsu lost to HIROKI and Yuji Hino after the match Inematsu leaved the stable and formed Bozz Rengo with Daigoro Kashiwa. On April 14 Mashimo lost the Champion of Strongest-K to Saburo Inematsu in his fift title defense. In May Tank Nagai joined the stable and they named the stable Magatsuki. Later in May they had an foreigner associate Moonshine Mantel but he left the stable in the end of may.On May 29 at All Japan Pro Wrestling Mashimo and Kenso had an oppurtunity for the World Tag Team Championship but they lost to Evolution (Joe Doering and Suwama also Mashimo joined the Dark Kingdom stable. On July 29 Mashimo and Nagai had a number 1 ontendership match to the Strongest-K Tag Team Championship but they lost to Hiro Tonai and Shiori Asahi. On August Mashimo, Yuma, Nagai and Toshima participated at the 2014 Sea King Tournament Yuma was eliminated at the first round by Nagai and Toshima was eliminated by Kaji Tomato at the first round. Nagai was eliminated at semifinals by Hiro Tonai and Mashimo defeated Saburo Inematsu at the semifinals. At the finals Mashimo defeated Hiro Tonai the 2014 Sea King Tournament. On August 28 Mashimo defeated MIYAWAKI to win the Champion of Strongest-K. On August 30, Kengo Mashimo turned on Kenso, costing DK their match for the KO-D 6-Man Tag Team Championship. On September 13 Magatsuki made thier debut on AJPW losing to Go Shiozaki and Kento Miyahara. On October 12 Yuma had an oppurtunity for the UWA World Middleweight Championship and he lost also in that night Nagai started a feud with Taka Michinoku when he speared Michinoku and Taichi. On November 3 Nagai and Taka Michinoku faced each other and Nagai lost to Michinoku. On November 8 Nagai and Mashimo participated in match for the 1 contender for the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions and Nagai and Mashimo defeated Daigoro Kashiwa and Ryuichi Sekine to become the 1 contenders of the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions. On November 16 to December 6 Nagai and Mashimo participated at the AJPW's World's Strongest Tag Determination League 2014 that was contested for the AJPW's World Tag Team Championship and Nagai and Mashimo finished the tournament with 4 points and failed to win the World Tag Team Champions. On December 14 Nagai and Mashimo failed to win the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions from Kaji Tomato and Shiori Asahi. On December 28 Mashimo defeated Taka Michinoku to retain the Champion of Strongest-K. On the next day Yuki Sato joined the stable.


On January 4 Sato, Nagai, Toshima, Yuma and Mashimo participated in a 22 man battle Royal and Sato was one of the winners and he was arward an opputunity for the UWA World Middleweight Champion. On January 25 Sato defeated Kaji Tomato to win the UWA World Middleweight Champion later that night Mashimo made his seventh title defense against Saburo Inematsu after the match Yuji Hino confronted Mashimo and Mashimo and the rest of the members of Magatsuki attacked Hino and HHHH but HHHH counter atttacked them. On February 22 Sato and Nagai recieved an oppurtunity for the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions but they lost to the champions SFU (Kaji Tomato and Shiori Asahi) the match also involved Hiro Tonai and MIYAWAKI later that night Mashimo defended the Champion of Strongest-K against Yuji Hino and the match ended in a draw. Nagai and Sato particiated at the BO-SO Golden Tag Team Tournament 2015 and they won the tournament by defeating at the finals Bozz Rengo (Saburo Inematsu and Ryuichi Sekine). On March 22 Yuma participated at the 1 Day EX Tournament and Yuma lost at the finals to Shiori Asahi. On April 12 Nagai and Sato received a chance for the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions and they lost to the champions SFU (Kaji Tomato and Shiori Asahi) and later that night Mashimo lost the Champion of Strongest-K to Yuji Hino. On April 14 Toshima and Yuma had an oppurtunity for the WEW Hardcore Tag Team Championship but they failed to win the match later that night Sato defeated Kaji Tomato on his first title defense of the UWA World Middleweight Champion. On May 5 to May 2 Yuma participated at the 2015 K-Metal League and Yuma finished the tournament with 2 points. On July 12 Sato made is second title defense of the UWA World Middleweight Champion by defeating Ayumu Honda and Sato defeated Shiori Asahi on his third title defense. On August 9 Sato, Mashimo, Nagai participated at the Kaioh Tournament and Mashimo was eliminated at the second round by Ryuichi Sekine. Sato was eliminated at the finals to Tank Nagai and Nagai earned a shot of the Champion of Strongest-K. On September 6 Sato and Mashimo defeated Taka Michinoku and Men's Teioh to win the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions with the help from Yuma and Nagai defeated Yuji Hino to win the Champion of Strongest-K with the help from the rest of the members of Magatsuki and Nagai became the leader of the stable. On September 27 Sato lost the UWA World Middleweight Champion back to Kaji Tomato. On October 4 Toshima had a chance for the UWA World Middleweight Champion but lost to Kaji Tomato later that night Nagai made is first title defense of the Champion of Strongest-K by defeating Ryuichi Sekine after the match it was annouced that Nagai would face Taka Michinoku on November 1. On October 9 Sato and Mashimo defeated Taka Michinoku and Men's Teioh to retain the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions following an assist from Nagai. On October 18 Yuma asked DOUKI to joined the stable and DOUKI accepted and Yuma announced that they were going to compete in the Seven Men hardcore rumble for the WEW Hardcore Tag Team Champions. On November 1 Douki and Yuma failed to win the Seven Men hardcore rumble for the WEW Hardcore Tag Team Champions also in that night Sato and Mashimo made their second title defense of the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions by defeating Tashi Takizawa and Kotaro Yoshino following a assist from Yuma after the match Sato offered Takizawa and Yoshino to join the stable and they refused after that Yuma, Mashimo and Sato attacked Takizawa and Yoshino but Hiro Tonai made the save later that night Nagai made is second title defense of the Champion of Strongest-K by defeating Taka Michinoku after the match Hiro Tonai challenged Nagai for the Champion of Strongest-K. Magatsuki started a feud with Sekitoba with Tonai pinning Nagai and making Nagai tapout and Nagai pinning Tonai. On November 14 DOUKI wrestle his last match on K-Dojo and leaved the stable. On December 12 Sato and Yuma lost to Kotaro Nasu and Ryuichi Sekine after the match Sekine and Nasu challenged Sato for the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions and Sato challenged Sekine and Nasu for the WEW Hardcore Tag Team Champions and his partner would be Yuma. At the 2015 K-Survivor Tournament Yuma, Nagai, Sato and Mashimo defeated Sekitoba (Hiro Tonai, Kotaro Yoshino, Taishi Takizawa and Yoshihiro Horaguchi) to win the tournament.


On January 3 Sato and Yuma failed to win the WEW Hardcore Tag Team Champions from Kotaro Nasu and Ryuichi Sekine. On January 10 Sato and Mashimo defeated Nasu and Sekine to retain the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions after the match Shiori Asahi announced that he was going to cash in his oppurtunity for the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions and is partner was not going to be Kaji Tomato it was going to be Makoto Oishi later that night Nagai defeated Hiro Tonai to retain the Champion of Strongest-K after the match Nagai provocked Takizawa and Takizawa attacked Nagai. On February 25 Sato and Mashimo defeated Shiori Asahi and Makoto Oishi to retain the the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions later that night Nagai defeated Tashi Takizawa to retain the Champion of Strongest-K after the match Hi69 and Daigoro Kashiwa challenged Nagai for the Champion of Strongest-K and a number 1 conterder match was made and the winner was Hi69. Nagai and Yuma and Toshima and Mashimo participated at the 2016 Bo-so Golden Tag Tournament and Mashimo and Toshima were eliminated at the first round by Ayato Yoshida and Kyu Mogami. At the the finals Yuma and Nagai lost to Tashi Takizawa and Kotaro Yoshino after the match Takizawa and Yoshino challenged Sato and Mashimo for the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions. On April 9 to April 24 Mashimo participated at the AJPW's Champion Carnival and he finished the tournament with 7 points. On April 17 Yuma and Toshima defeat Kotaro Nasu & Ryuichi Sekine and Boso Boy Raito & Tiran Shisa and Ayumu Honda & Kaji Tomato and MEN's Teioh & Ricky Fuji and Daichi Sasaki & Rui Hyugaji and Masaya Takahashi & Yoshihiro Horaguchi in a Seven Team Hardcore Rumble match to win the WEW Hardcore Tag Team Champions also in that night Sato and Mashimo lost the Strongest-K Tag Team Champions to Tashi Takizawa and Kotaro Yoshino later that night Nagai defeated Hi69 to retain the Champion of Strongest-K after the match Kotaro Yoshino challenged Nagai for the Champion of Strongest-K. On May 5 Nagai defeated Yoshino to retain the Champion of Strongest-K after the match Kaji Tomato and Saburo Inematsu challenged Nagai for the Champion of Strongest-K. On May 22 Mashimo, Sato and Nagai defeated SFU (Kaji Tomato, Shiori Asahi and Ayumu Honda) to become the first Kitakami Six-Man Tag Team Champions.[1] On June 15 Mashimo unsucessfuly challenge Kento Miyahara for the Triple Crown Heavyweight Championshp. On July 31 Nagai lost the Champion of Strongest-K to Kaji Tomato. On August 20 Mashimo defeated Tomato to regain the Champion of Strongest-K to Magatsuki. On September 18 Nagai defeated Kaji Tomato in a rematch to win the 2016 Kaioh tournament. Nagai also recieved a chance for Mashimo's Champion of Strongest-K. On November 6 Ayumu Honda defeated Shiori Asahi and Kaji Tomato to win the UWA World Middleweight Championship. After the match Honda joined the stable and Go Asakawa challenged for the title. Later that night Mashimo defeated Nagai to retain the Champion of Strongest-K and reclaim the leadership of Magatsuki.



Member Time
Nagai, TankTank Nagai (Second Leader) May 2014 – present
Mashimo, KengoKengo Mashimo (First and Third Leader, founding member) April 14, 2013 – present
Yuki Sato December 19, 2014 – present
Toshima, KunioKunio Toshima (Founding member) April 14, 2013 – present
Yuma July 15, 2013 – present
Honda, AyumuAyumu Honda November 7, 2016 – present


Member Time
Inematsu, SaburoSaburo Inematsu (Founding member) April 14, 2013February 16, 2014
DOUKI October 18, 2015November 14, 2015
Name First appearance
Moonshine Mantel May 2014

Championships and Accomplishments


  1. "Club-K Tour in Kitakami 〜復興支援チャリティー大会〜". Kaientai Dojo (in Japanese). Retrieved 2016-05-23.
  2. "Club-K Tour in Kitakami 〜復興支援チャリティー大会〜". Kaientai Dojo (in Japanese). Retrieved 2016-05-23.
  3. 1 2 3 "K-Dojo News". Kaientai Dojo (in Japanese). Archived from the original on 2014-01-06. Retrieved 2014-01-06.
  4. 1 2 "K-Award 2014 受賞結果". Kaientai Dojo (in Japanese). 2014-12-28. Retrieved 2014-12-28.
  5. 1 2 "K-Award 2015 受賞結果". Kaientai Dojo (in Japanese). Retrieved 2015-12-28.

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 12/5/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.