List of stars more luminous than any closer star

This is a list of stars which are more luminous than any closer star, that is, stars which emit more radiation than any other star within the same distance of the Sun. The luminosities are measured in bolometric luminosity and not by visual luminosity. For example, Alpha Centauri A is the most luminous star within 5 light-years of the Sun. In order to find a star more luminous than α Cen, the radius would have to be extended out to 9 light years, to include Sirius. The closest star more luminous than Sirius is Vega, at 25 light years, and so on.

Name Constellation vis.
Spectral type Bolometric luminosity (Solar lum.) abs.
Sun −26.74 G2V 1 4.75 0
Alpha Centauri A Centaurus −0.01 G2V 1.519 4.38 4.365
Sirius Canis Major −1.46 A1V 25 1.42 8.59
Vega Lyra 0.03 A0V 37 0.58 25.3
Arcturus Boötes −0.04 K1.5III 210 −0.31 36
Aldebaran Taurus 0.85 K5III 425 −0.63 65.1
Gacrux Crux 1.63 M4III 1,500 −0.56 88
Achernar Eridanus 0.50 B3 Vpe 3,300 −2.77 144
Sigma Sagittarii Sagittarius 2.05 B2.5 V 3,300 −2.14 228
Bellatrix Orion 1.64 B2 III 4,000 −2.72 240
Eta Centauri Centaurus 2.33 B1.5Vne 6,000 −2.54 310
Canopus Carina −0.72 F0 Ia 13,600 −5.53 310
Acrux A Crux 0.77 B1V 25,000 −4.14 320
Becrux, Mimosa Crux 1.30 B0.5IV 34,000 −3.92 350
Antares Scorpius 1.09 M1.5Iab 65,000 −5.28 600
Betelgeuse Orion 0.42 M2Iab 150,000 −6.05 640
Alnitak Orion 1.70 O9 Iab 150,000 −5.25 800
Alnilam Orion 1.70 B0 Ia 375,000 −6.4 1,300
VY Canis Majoris Canis Major 7.95 M4 Iae 450,000 −9.3 4,900
Cygnus OB2-12 Cygnus 11.4 B3 Iae 1,300,000 −10.6 5,000
Zeta Scorpii Scorpius 4.66 B1Iape 1,700,000 −10.8 5,700
Eta Carinae Carina 4.55 WRpe 5,000,000 −12.0 7,500
LBV 1806-20 Sagittarius 35 LBV 5,500,000 −12.1 26,000
The Pistol Star Sagittarius 35 LBV 5,500,000 −12.1 26,000
R136a1 Dorado 12.77 WN5h 8,700,000 −12.6 168,000 in Large Magellanic Cloud


    See also

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