List of butterflies of Estonia
This is a list of butterfly species recorded in Estonia (excluded are the species not encountered during the past 100 years).
Hesperiidae – skippers
- Dingy skipper - Erynnis tages
- Grizzled skipper - Pyrgus malvae
- Olive skipper - Pyrgus serratulae
- Large grizzled skipper - Pyrgus alveus
- Large chequered skipper - Heteropterus morpheus
- Northern chequered skipper - Carterocephalus silvicola
- Chequered skipper - Carterocephalus palaemon
- Essex skipper - Thymelicus lineola
- Small skipper - Thymelicus sylvestris
- Large skipper - Ochlodes venata
- Silver-spotted skipper - Hesperia comma
Papilionidae – swallowtails
- Old World swallowtail - Papilio machaon
- Scarce swallowtail - Iphiclides podalirius
- Clouded Apollo - Parnsssius mnemosyne
Pieridae – whites
- Black-veined white - Aporia crataegi
- Large white - Pieris brassicae
- Small white - Pieris rapae
- Green-veined white - Pieris napi
- Bath white - Pontia daplidice
- Wood white - Leptidea sinapis
- Orange tip - Anthocharis cardamines
- Brimstone - Gonepteryx rhamni
- Colias palaeno
- Pale clouded yellow - Colias hyale
- Clouded yellow - Colias crocea
- Small tortoiseshell - Aglais urticae
- Red admiral - Vanessa atalanta
- Painted lady - Vanessa cardui
- White admiral - Limenitis camilla
- Poplar admiral - Limenitis populi
- Purple emperor - Apatura iris
- Lesser purple emperor - Apatura ilia
- European peacock - Inachis io
- Scarce tortoiseshell - Nymphalis xanthomelas
- Large tortoiseshell - Nymphalis polychloros
- Camberwell beauty - Nymphalis antiopa
- False comma - Polygonia vau-album
- Comma - Polygonia c-album
- Map - Araschnia levana
- Scarce fritillary - Euphydryas maturna
- Marsh fritillary - Euphydryas aurinia
- False heath fritillary - Mellicta diamina
- Heath fritillary - Mellicta athalia
- Nickerl's fritillary - Mellicta aurelia
- Knapweed fritillary - Mellitaea phoebe
- Glanville fritillary - Mellitaea cinxia
- Spotted fritillary - Mellitaea didyma
- Dark green fritillary - Argynnis aglaja
- Niobe fritillary - Argynnis niobe
- High brown fritillary - Argynnis adippe
- Silver-washed fritillary - Argynnis paphia
- Pallas's fritillary - Argynnis laodice
- Lesser marbled fritillary - Argynnis ino
- Queen of Spain fritillary - Argynnis lathonia
- Cardinal - Argynnis pandora
- Small pearl-bordered fritillary - Boloria selene
- Pearl-bordered fritillary - Boloria euphrosyne
- Boloria frigga
- Weaver's fritillary - Boloria dia
- Titania's fritillary - Boloria titania
- Boloria freija
- Cranberry fritillary - Boloria aquilonaris
- Bog fritillary - Boloria eunomia
- Arran brown - Erebia ligea
- Erebia embla
- Marbled white - Melanargia galathea
- Baltic grayling - Oeneis jutta
- Grayling - Hipparchia semele
- Ringlet - Aphantopus hyperanthus
- Speckled wood - Pararge aegeria
- Northern wall brown - Lasiommata petropolitana
- Large wall - Lasiommata maera
- Woodland brown - Lopinga achine
- Meadow brown - Maniola jurtina
- Dusky meadow brown - Hyponephele lycaon
- Scarce heath - Coenonympha hero
- Coenonympha amyntas
- Pearly heath - Coenonympha arcania
- Small heath - Coenonympha pamphilius
- Large heath - Coenonympha tullia
Riodinidae - metalmarks
- Duke of Burgundy - Hamearis lucina
- Purple hairstreak - Thecla quercus
- Brown hairstreak - Thecla betulae
- Ilex hairstreak - Strymon ilicis
- White-letter hairstreak - Strymon w-album
- Black hairstreak - Strymon pruni
- Green hairstreak - Callophrys rubi
- Scarce copper - Lycaena virgaureae
- Sooty copper - Lycaena tityrus
- Purple-shot copper - Lycaena alciphron
- Small copper - Lycaena phlaeas
- Large copper - Lycaena dispar
- Purple-edged copper - Lycaena hippothoe
- Short-tailed blue - Everes argiades
- Small blue - Cupido minimus
- Holly blue - Celastrina argiolus
- Eastern baton blue - Pseudophilotes vicrama
- Chequered blue - Scolithantides orion
- Green-underside blue - Glaucopsyche alexis
- Large blue - Maculinea arion
- Idas blue - Plebeius idas
- Silver-studded blue - Plebeius argus
- Mountain argus - Aricia artaxerxes
- Geranium argus - Aricia eumedon
- Mazarine blue - Cyaniris semiargus
- Cranberry blue - Vacciniina optilete
- Common blue - Polyommatus icarus
- Amanda's blue - Polyommatus amandus
- Adonis blue - Polyommatus bellargus
- Chalkhill blue - Polyommatus coridon
- Damon blue - Agrodiaetus damon
See also
External links
- J.Viidalepp et al. Eesti liblikad, Tallinn, 2000
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