Konrad Seppelt

Professor Konrad Seppelt is a chemist who leads a research group at the Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Freie Universität Berlin (Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie der Freien Universität Berlin).

Positions held include:

Konrad Seppelt was the first chemist in the world that managed to form a Compound between a noble gas and a noble Metal (between Xenon and Gold). The result was surprising to many Chemists around the world.


A list of over 200 publications in the period 1969-2001 can be found here. A Google search on "Konrad Seppelt" and similar returns about 2,000 results.

Popular publications

Scientific publications

A random selection of Prof Seppelt's publications:

See also

External links

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