Katunku Nicholas

Date of birth

NICHOLAS KATUNKU from Basimba people of the Leopard Clan was born on 12 December 1936 and was a Ugandan business person. Described as a business mogul, Katunku was involved with the trading of Bookshop and Printing. He was the managing director of N. Katunku and sons Bookshop Limited and Katunku Printers Limited.


Katunku went to Namirembe Primary School in Budaka District, then joined Nabumali High School in (J1-J2) and later to Elgon Technical Institute and got a Certificate in general construction.

Political back ground

Katunku was a Democratic Party (DP) member and a cousin of Kirya Balaki Kebba the ex-Rebel Leader now-defunct rebel Uganda Freedom Movement who was kidnapped by security agents from Jamuhuri estate in Nairobi, while in exile in the Republic of Kenya and brought back to Uganda. Kirya Balaki Kebba was acquitted of treason charges in 1983 but detained. One of the architects of Ugandan nationalism, Kirya, was born in 1924 in Petete in Bukedi Budaka District.

Katunku Nicholas went to exile with his family and was staying at Karuri, kiambaa, Banana Hill

At Jamuhuri estate home in Kenya in 1982, Katunku Nicholas and his son Katunku Joshua Steve escaped being picked together with Kirya Balaki Kebba when Obote’s operatives picked him up, bundled-up him into their car and drove him back to Uganda’s Luzira prison on grounds of involvement in rebel activities. Kirya was charged together with Prof. Yoweri Kyesimira, with treason for their involvement in Dr. Andrew Kayiira’s rebel outfit. He remained locked up until the NRM captured power in January 1986.

He went into exile in Kenya, where he became part of the liberation struggles to oust Amin on condition that Obote was not involved. After the liberation war in 1979, Kirya was appointed director for the eastern region under Yusuf Lule’s government. However, the political situation remained unstable, and a couple of years later Kirya was back at his Kenya residence as a political exile for the second time.

Katunku's cousin Kirya Balaki Kebba joined the army at 18 years of age and rose through the ranks first as a soldier in the Kings African Rifles. As a non-commissioned officer he experienced World War II under the 121st Brigade in Burma

After the war he served as a welfare officer of the Toro colonial administration between 1947 and 1953. It is in his service as administrator in the colonial establishment and he came face-to face with the oppression of Africans. he then chose to change that by beginning on the economic side when he together with Chief Wakida Philipo founded the North Bukedi Co-operative Union (the first cooperative society in Bukedi) with the goal of promoting the natives’ livelihood. In this role he criticized the colonial establishment, which created for him a social base and turned him into a politician.

He became one of the first leaders of Uganda’s first political party, Uganda National Congress (UNC) in charge of the Mbale branch. However, in the mid-1950s UNC, under Ignatius Musaazi split, Kirya Balaki Kebba together with other UNC members from outside Buganda broke away to form the UPC, which agitating for a united Uganda.

The other break-aways included Milton Obote, William Nadiope, Adoko Nekyon and Grace Ibingira. Subsequently Kirya became Bukedi North’s representative to the LEGICO when the first batch of Ugandans was elected in 1961.

He was among the Ugandan leaders, who went to London for the constitutional conference, which Uganda inherited at independence. In Kirunda Kivejinja’s book Uganda: The Crisis of Confidence, Kirya Balaki Kebba features as one of the politicians, who ran the show on the eve of independence and in the early post-independence years.

In History of Uganda (1962-71), Kirya was appointed minister without portfolio but after two years, Milton Obote moved him to head the mineral and water resources ministry. But before independence Kirya Balaki Kebba and Grace Ibingira had been among the architects of the famous UPC/KY alliance that had handed UPC leadership.

Kirya’s contemporaries have often stated that even as minister, Kirya did not become a blind follower of the leader, who was increasingly becoming fickle and erroneous because he was a veteran at local politics.

Kirya Balaki Kebba and Milton Obote were age-mates, he had reportedly introduced Milton Obote onto the political scene and they were very close. Kirya was a conservative politician, an astute peace and reconciliation broker. After a stalemate, he and Grace Ibingira played a key role in creating a working relationship between UPC and Kabaka Yoweri Kaguta Museveni President of Uganda at Kirya’s eulogy (1994); He was a man of great experience and invaluable dedication to this country.

Kirya Balaki Kebba dedicated his life to the fight for freedom, a cause for which he was persecuted . Matia Kasaija, planning state minister was with Kirya in exile in Nairobi. I Kirya was an astute and courageous politician, who disagreed with Milton Obote II to the extent that he had to flee for safety into exile.Kirya was not given to political ideologism and dogma, criticizing the UPC government when it developed leftist-leanings.

In 1966, when the Prime Minister of Uganda was being pinned by Parliament for involvement in an ivory and gold scandal, among those asking Milton Obote to clear his position was Kirya Balaki Kebba. Milton Obote reacted by imprisoning Kirya, together with five other ministers, who wanted the leader to come to book, these were Ibingira, Dr.Lumu, M.Ngobi, Cuthbert Obwangor and G.Magezi. Many believe had the six Ministers if they had not been imprisoned, the reforms that saw traditional kingdoms abolished and two undemocratic constitutions forced unto Uganda would not have been successful.

Mutesa II of Buganda sent Kirya Balaki Kebba to look for a competent young person who would contest against Benedicto Kiwanuka Democratic Party (DP), Kirya with others identified Milton Obote and introduced him to the Kabaka of Buganda.Grace Ibingira and Kirya Balaki Kebba identified Miria Obote as a wife for Milton Obote.

When, in the mid to late 1960s, Apollo Milton Obote was engaged in a power struggle with the President of Uganda Kabaka Edward Mutesa II following the collapse of the Uganda People’s Congress — Kabaka Yekka (UPC-KY) alliance, five members of his cabinet and ruling UPC party fell out with him. History indicates that Obote perceived Kirya as siding with Mutesa and ultimately detained him indefinitely without trial. Among those five cabinet ministers was Balaki Kirya, then mineral and water resources minister.

Idi Amin released Kirya among the political prisoners whom he set free upon his coup in 1971. But shortly, the former minister had to run for his life, as Amin embarked on killed former Obote ministers.

Narrow Escape

Katunku Nicholas in 1978-1979 Uganda-Tanzania War, saved Obbo of Kamonkoli from being executed by Idi Amin’s soldiers at Tororo who found him transporting Tanzanian Liberators.

When the NRM took over power in 1986, Kirya was released and appointed as security state minister which was a position under the Office of the President. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni said, in his eulogy at Kirya’s funeral, that the minister had been the most important player in winning for the new government the approval of Western countries, which were initially hostile. He is also said to have been especially happy with the way the NRM government was running the country’s affairs.

However, even as minister, he is said to have withdrawn much into the background of state administration under the NRM. Kirya was also a champion of traditional institutions and particularly was good friends with Kabaka Mutesa II. He remains one of the favourites of Mengo among the country’s first crop of leaders, and two years ago the Kabaka of Buganda said a monument was to be erected at Bulange in commemoration of his dedicated friendship and service to the kingdom.

Kirya’s burning bridges with Obote set him on a path of sustained opposition of whatever he deemed as “bad leadership” in Uganda for the rest of his life, punctuated with several sacrifices. One would say that upon his death in 1994, he left behind a legacy of a dedicated nationalist. He had also come to see his country back on a path to relative stability under the NRM government.

Last days

According to his wife Katunku Edith Mary Katunku Nicholas got a car accident at Sironko District in 1972 and was saved by Kabogoza Musoke. In 1972 after the accident ,he suffered from diabetes until 1989 when he died.


(Source: Voices that are gone or are silent if still alive, by eagle online, August 7, 2015) (Source: Museveni, Kabaka struck Federo deal in London, by Observer, October 11, 2009) (Source: Social Origins of Violence in Uganda, 1964-1985, by A. Kasozi, 1994)

(Source: Uganda since Independence: A Story of Unfulfilled Hopes, by Phares Mukasa Mutibwa, 1992) (Source: National Integration in Uganda, by Nsibambi Apolo Robin, 1962-2013)

(Source: The Uganda Peace Talks Agreement - UN Peacemaker, page 23)

(Source: Parallels between 1966 gold and 2011 oil allegations

(Source: National Awards Committee, Database, Award, 2011-10-09)

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