Jean Louis Lucand

Jean Louis Lucand (11 November 1821, Beauvilliers, Yonne – 19 November 1896) was a French mycologist and mycological artist.

A career soldier, he served in the French military from 1842 to 1873. In 1866 he was named captain and a chevalier in the Legion of Honor. Following retirement from the army, he moved to the community of Autun, where he focused his energies on mycology.[1]

He was a founding member of the Société mycologique de France,[1] and also a member of the Société d'histoire naturelle du Creusot and the Société d'histoire naturelle et des amis du muséum d'Autun.[2] The species Rosa lucandiana was named in his honor by François-Xavier Gillot and Pierre Alfred Déséglise.[1][3]

Selected works


  1. 1 2 3 Bulletin trimestriel de la Société mycologique de France, Volumes 12-13 by Société mycologique de France
  2. Prosopo Sociétés savantes de France
  3. JSTOR Global Plants Rosa lucandiana
  4. World Cat Identities Most widely held works by L Lucand
  5. IPNI.  Lucand.
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