Insect to Injury

Insect to Injury is a Popeye the Sailor animated short film starring Jack Mercer featuring the solo character Popeye. It is also on 50 Classic Cartoons Volume 3.


Popeye builds a house and adds a mailbox writing his name as a bunch of termites eat the bottom of the mailbox. Popeye uses a magnifying glass to see the termites to eat everything for a gate shaped like Popeye. Popeye takes the garbage can and puts the termites in. Just then the termites eat the fence and gate. Popeye uses a wheel to chase the termites and he lands in the water. Popeye creates a lake around the house and goes inside. The termites sail the aluminum can and eat everything in the house that Popeye is in. Popeye lands in the bathtub and eats the spinach and builds a house made of metal. Popeye also has a metal pipe.

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