Indian states ranking by household size

This is a list of the States of India ranked in order of average number of persons in a family. This information was compiled from NFHS-3. National Family health survey (NFHS) is a large-scale, multi round survey conducted by the International Institute of Population Sciences (IIPS), Mumbai designated by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW), Government of India. NFHS-3 was released on 11 Oct 2007 and the detailed survey can be viewed in the following website [1]

№/Rank State Household

size (persons)

1 Tamil Nadu 3.5
2 Andhra Pradesh 3.9
3 Goa 4.2
4 Kerala 4.3
5 Tripura 4.3
6 West Bengal 4.5
7 Odisha 4.5
8 Sikkim 4.5
9 Nagaland 4.5
10 Himachal Pradesh 4.6
11 Karnataka 4.6
12 Assam 4.7
13 Gujarat 4.7
14 Maharashtra 4.7
15 Arunachal Pradesh 4.8
16 Mizoram 4.8
17 India average 4.8
18 Chhattisgarh NA
19 Madhya Pradesh 5
20 Uttarakhand 5
21 Manipur 5
22 Meghalaya 5.1
23 Punjab 5.2
24 Rajasthan 5.5
25 Haryana 5.3
26 Bihar 5.4
27 Jharkhand 5.4
28 Jammu and Kashmir 5.7
29 Uttar Pradesh 5.7


  1. IIPS/India, International Institute for Population Sciences -; International, Macro (2007-01-01). "India National Family Health Survey (NFHS-3) 2005-06".
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