Igusa group

In mathematics, an Igusa group or Igusa subgroup is a subgroup of the Siegel modular group defined by some congruence conditions. They were introduced by Igusa (1964).


The symplectic group Sp2g(Z) consists of the matrices

such that ABt and CDt are symmetric, and ADtCDt = I (the identity matrix).

The Igusa group Γg(n,2n) = Γn,2n consists of the matrices

in Sp2g(Z) such that B and C are congruent to 0 mod n, A and D are congruent to the identity matrix I mod n, and the diagonals of ABt and CDt are congruent to 0 mod 2n. We have Γg(2n)⊆ Γg(n,2n) ⊆ Γg(n) where Γg(n) is the subgroup of matrices congruent to the identity modulo n.


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