HD 34445 b

HD 34445 b
Exoplanet List of exoplanets
Parent star
Star HD 34445
Constellation Orion
Right ascension (α) 05h 17m 40.98s[1]
Declination (δ) +07° 21 12.1[1]
Apparent magnitude (mV) 7.31
Distance152 ± 5[1] ly
(46 ± 1[1] pc)
Spectral type G0
Mass (m) 1.07 M
Orbital elements
Semi-major axis(a) 2.01 ± 0.01 AU
(300 Gm)
    43.2 mas
Periastron (q) 0.86 AU
(129 Gm)
Apastron (Q) 3.16 AU
(472 Gm)
Eccentricity (e) 0.57 ± 0.06
Orbital period(P) 1004 ± 7 d
(2.75 y)
Orbital speed (υ) 21.9 km/s
Argument of
(ω) 135 ± 16°
Time of periastron (T0) 23845 ± 40 JD
Semi-amplitude (K) 15.9 ± 1.2 m/s
Physical characteristics
Minimum mass(m sin i)0.67 ± 0.04 MJ
Discovery information
Discovery date 2004
Discoverer(s) Howard et al.[2]
Discovery method Radial velocity
Discovery site Keck Observatory
Discovery status Confirmed
Database references
Extrasolar Planets
Exoplanet Archivedata
Open Exoplanet Cataloguedata

HD 34445 b is an extrasolar planet which orbits the G-type star HD 34445, located approximately 152 light years away in the constellation Orion. This planet was discovered in 2004 and finally confirmed in 2009. This planet has a minimum mass two-thirds that of Jupiter and orbits about 2 AU from the parent star. However this planet orbits in a very eccentric path. The planet’s distance from the star ranges from 0.86 to 3.16 AU however it spends its full orbit within the star's habitable zone.

See also

Other planets that were discovered or confirmed on November 13, 2009:


Coordinates: 05h 17m 40.9786s, +07° 21′ 12.036″

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