Gustave Hansotte

Gustave Hansotte (1827-1886) was a 19th-century Belgian architect, representative of neoclassical architecture and eclectic architecture of Belgium.

Constructions and buildings

Saints-Jean-et-Nicolas School
Sainte-Marie Royal School

Buildings of neoclassical style

left wing and three levels of the central wing: G.HANSOTTE 1884
right wing and advanced standing of the central wing: G.HANO 1907

Buildings of eclectic style

neoroman style (Roman - Byzantine)
built by Louis van Overstraeten in 1845
accomplished by Gustave Hansotte from 1849 till 1853[3]
burnt down in 1898 and rebuilt in 1901 according to the initial model by the constructor Bertaux[4]
eclecticism with neoclassical tendency

Buildings of indeterminate style

demolished and replaced by the "Rotterdamsche Verzekering Societeiten" bureau (modernist style, 1936)


  1. La Clinique Antoine Depage sur le site de l'inventaire du patrimoine architectural de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
  2. The monumental Heritage of Belgium, Brussels, Volume 1A, the Pentagon A-D, editor Pierre Mardaga, in 1989, p.272
  3. Marcel M. Celis, Bruxelles Protège, Éditions Mardaga, 1988, p.92
  4. Brochure des journées du patrimoine 2007 de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale, p.80
  5. L'ancienne école communale n°1 d'Etterbeek sur le site de l'inventaire du patrimoine architectural de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
  6. La Maison des Sœurs du Bon Secours sur le site de l'inventaire du patrimoine architectural de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
  7. The building RVS on the site of the inventory of the architectural heritage of the Brussels-capital Region

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