Enzio von Pfeil

Dr. Enzio von Pfeil

Dr. Enzio von Pfeil, global economist
Born Enzio von Pfeil
Residence Hong Kong
Nationality German
Occupation Consultant, commission-free, financial planning

Dr. Enzio von Pfeil is a German economist

Early life

von Pfeil has been a commercial economist throughout his working life.[1] Enzio studied inter alia under Friedrich von Hayek at the University of Freiburg, in West Germany. He graduated at the top of his class. He received two scholarships. One from the "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes", which is reserved for the top one per cent of all German students, and the other from the FDP's exclusive Friedrich-Naumann Stiftung. His PhD thesis examined the macro economic impact of direct investment flows. At the University, he was appointed as an Assistant Professor specializing in international economics.


He spent many years as a treasury economist for JP Morgan and Schroders in New York and London, and as a banker specializing in macro investment planning on behalf of large industrial families in the region while stationed in Istanbul. In 1986, von Pfeil became Chief Regional Economist at Smith New Court Far East Ltd, London[2] which merged with Merrill Lynch. Dr. von Pfeil moved to Hong Kong in 1989 and by 2000 he had helped, as Chief Regional Economist, S.G. Warburg Securities Far East (which subsequently was bought by UBS), Clarion Capital and ABN-AMRO establish Asian specialist regional economic research teams.[3][4]

For some years, Dr. von Pfeil ran his own macro advisory firm, Commercial Economics Asia Limited. He advises institutional as well as private investors. Asian business, 2002, webpage: BG-fK.

In 2015 Dr. von Pfeil joined Private Capital Limited as their Investment Strategist.


He has written the following books:

Dr von Pfeil contributes regularly to Reuters as well as Bloomberg TV, Channel News Asia and to CNBC as well as NDTV (India) and Z TV (India). He has appeared inter alia in the Asian Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Forbes, the New York Times, and the South China Morning Post.


  1. German Direct Investments in the United States, Enzio von Pfeil, 1985, 178 pages, JAI Press, p. vi, webpage: BG-AAJ.
  2. International strategies of Japanese banks, J. Thorsten Düser, 1990, 206 pages, webpage: BG-YP.
  3. China trade report, 1995, web: BG-C4.
  4. Business week, 1998, webpage: BG-kOy.
  5. "Trade Myths", web: Trade Myths
  6. "Trade Myths" at Books.Google.com: BG-CAAJ.
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