Eddy Gesualdo

Eddy Gesualdo with the Winnipeg Fury

Eddy Gesualdo (Eduardo Gesualdo) born November 28, 1968, was a midfielder on the Winnipeg Fury. In 2008, Eddy versed former teammates with his newest club team AC Italia, when the '92 Winnipeg Fury players were inducted into the Manitoba Sports Hall Of Fame. Former teammates include, Troy Westwood, Tony Nocita, Pat Onstad, Kevin Holness, and many more.

Club career

Eddy played with the Winnipeg Fury, from 1990 - 1992. He has also been noted to play with the Sons of Italy Lions, Ital-Inter, Lucania and AC Italia.

Departure from the Winnipeg Fury

In 1992, the Winnipeg Free Press writer Ashley Prest, wrote an article titled "Winnipegger Walks Away From Fury" about the departure of the midfielder. Eddy Gesualdo asked for his release after the 5-2 victory again the Montreal Supra at Winnipeg Stadium. Director of team operation Laurie McIvor was quoted to say, "Eddie was concerned about the playing time, because since Tommy (coach McManus) came, he (Gesualdo) hadn't had much. We really know what he (Gesualdo) can do; he has the offensive skills and Tommy has told him what he needs to work on. We really hate to lose him." Eddy was then quoted on saying, "I'm really disappointed in how things have gone because it took me five years to make this team, I finally did and Archie (former coach) gave me my chance, but now I am starting all over again."


    Prest, Ashley (1992). Winnipegger Walks Away From Fury. Winnipeg, MB: Winnipeg Free Press. 

    "Winnipeg Fury." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 2004. 5 August 2012. <http://www.enotes.com/topic/Winnipeg_Fury>

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