Consciousness Industry

The Consciousness Industry is a term coined by author and theorist Hans Magnus Enzensberger, which identifies the mechanisms through which the human mind is reproduced as a social product. Foremost among these mechanisms are the institutions of mass media and education. According to Enzensberger, the mind industry does not produce anything specific; rather, its main business is to perpetuate the existing order of man's domination over man.

Hans Haacke elaborates on the consciousness industry as it applies to the arts in a wider system of production, distribution, and consumption.[1] Haacke specifically implicates museums as manufacturers of aesthetic perception that fail to acknowledge their intellectual, political, and moral authority: "rather than sponsoring intelligent, critical awareness, museums thus tend to foster appeasement."[2]

See also


  1. Haacke, p. 273
  2. Haacke, p.280

External links

Museums: Managers of Consciousness

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