China Audio-Video Copyright Association

China Audio-Video Copyright Association (CAVCA) (中国音像著作权集体管理协会) is the only association of its kind approved by the National Copyright Administration (国家版权局). The association undertakes collective rights management for the copyright and related rights in video & audio works.

The rights managed by the association cover the right of performance, right of broadcasting, right of leasing, right of Internet broadcasting, right of duplication and distribution and also copyrights of video & audio works fit for collective management.

The association mainly engages in the registration and management of members and music & TV works, collecting copyright fees from users according to laws and giving out licenses, allocating copyright fees to rights owners based on the usage of their works, making legal representations on illegal use of music & TV works, publicity on collective management of copyrights, being responsible for fee collection with the authorization of National Copyright Administration, and managing and exercising the copyrights of overseas music & TV works on the mainland of China on behalf of foreign counterparts after signing relevant agreements.

Karaoke Copyright Operation Center

The Karaoke Copyright Operation Center is the executive agency of CAVCA. The center is the only agency authorized by Music Copyright Society of China (MCSC) to collect copyright fees from Karaoke Lounges and is responsible for detailed work related to the Karaoke industry, such as the production and release of music pools, rights protection, publicity, licensing, inspection, fee collection and negotiations.

See also

External links

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