Bangkang papel boys

The "Bangkang papel" boys (Paper boat boys) were a group of three boys who wrote their dreams and wishes on a paper which they folded into paper boats and let float on Pasig River towards Malacañan Palace in 2001[1] as their symbolic way of bringing to then Philippines President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo their aspirations.[2] They were Erwin Dolera, Jomer Pabalan and Jayson Vann Banogon, age ranges 9–8 years-old respectively, and were also among the survivors of the Payatas garbage slide tragedy in July 2000.[3] The paper boats never reached the Palace, but the activity, organized by an urban poor group, caught the attention of Arroyo.[1]

The plight of the boys touched the heart of the newly installed chief executive, President Arroyo, who presented them during her first State of the Nation Address (SONA).[4] Arroyo invited the boys to the presidential palace and gave them scholarships, livelihood and other support services.[5] In 2010, Arroyo has one thing she promises to do, even if her term ends in June, it is the continuous educational assistance for the boys.[2]

The current administration of President Aquino assures continued aid for the three boys, even though Arroyo had informed the three that their scholarships will be good only until 2010.[6]

On July 7, 2016, Dolera died at San Lazaro Hospital after two weeks of battling pneumonia and complications due to tuberculosis. He was 24 at the time of his death.[7] Dolera was a production assistant of News 5.[8]


  1. 1 2 David Dizon. (2011-06-08). 'Bangkang papel' boy wants to become a journalist. ABS-CBN News, retrieved August 8, 2011
  2. 1 2 Ellalyn B. De Vera. (2010-05-19). GMA remembers boys in Payatas. The Manila Bulletin, retrieved August 8, 2011
  3. Amita O. Legaspi. (2011-06-08). 2 of 3 ‘bangkang papel’ boys to continue receiving scholarship grants. GMA News, retrieved August 8, 2011
  4. Ellalyn B. De Vera. (2009-06-13). 3 ‘bangkang papel’ boys still hopeful. ABS-CBN News, retrieved August 8, 2011
  5. Social Marketing Service. (2010-05-18). ‘Bangkang Papel’ Boys Continue To Receive Educational Assistance -- DSWD. DSWD Website, retrieved August 8, 2011
  6. Nheslaine Eval. (2011-06-11). Palace assures continued aid for 'bangkang papel boys'. Philippine Online Chronicles, retrieved August 8, 2011
  7. "Bangkang papel' boy passes away". Philippine Daily Inquirer. July 7, 2016. Retrieved 7 July 2016.
  8. "ISA SA 'BANGKANG PAPEL' BOYS NA SI ERWIN DOLERA, PUMANAW SA EDAD NA 24 (Erwin Dolera, One of the Bangkang Papel Boys died at the age of 24)" (in Filipino). News 5 Everywhere. July 7, 2016. Retrieved July 8, 2016.
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