Avvakum (given name)

For the Russian protopope, see Avvakum.

Avvakum (Russian: Аввакум) is a Russian Christian[1] male first name.[2] It is derived from Habakkuk, a prophet in the Hebrew Bible,[2] whose name means (God's) embrace.[1] Abakum (Абаку́м) is a variant of this first name.[2] Other variants include Old Church Slavonic Amvakum (Амваку́м), literary Ambakum (Амбаку́м), and colloquial forms Obakum (Обаку́м), Bakum (Баку́м), and Bakun (Баку́н).[3] The diminutives of "Avvakum" include Avvakumka (Авваку́мка) and Avvakusha (Авваку́ша), while the diminutives of "Abakum" are Abakumka (Абаку́мка) and Abasha (Аба́ша).[2]

The patronymics derived from "Avvakum" are "Авваку́мович" (Avvakumovich; masculine) and its colloquial form "Авваку́мыч" (Avvakumych), and "Авваку́мовна" (Avvakumovna; feminine).[2] The patronymics derived from "Abakum" are "Абаку́мович" (Abakumovich; masculine) and its colloquial form "Абаку́мыч" (Abakumych), and "Абаку́мовна" (Abakumovna; feminine).[2]

Last names Abakumov, Abakishin, Abakulov, Abakumkin, Abakushin, Abakshin, Abbakumov, Avakumov, Avvakumov, and possibly Bakulin and Bakunin all derive from this first name.[4]



  1. 1 2 Superanskaya [1], p. 20
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Petrovsky, p. 31
  3. Superanskaya [2], p. 29
  4. Ganzhina, p. 9


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