Andrzej Łukasik

Andrzej Łukasik, Warsaw 2011

Andrzej Łukasik (born 1 September 1955 in Warsaw) – Polish jazz musician (double bassist), producer.


Alumnus of the Frederick Chopin Music Academy in Warsaw, in the contrabass class of Professor Andrzej Mysiński. He began his jazz musician career in 1978, in the Kazimierz Jonkisz Quintet, where he played with Krzesimir Dębski, Andrzej Olejniczak and Janusz Skowron. The ensemble, with the same members, made a recording and took part in the 1980 Jazz Jamboree Festival in Warsaw. At the beginning of the 1980s, as a bass player, he was a recipient of an annual Krzysztof Komeda Prize musical scholarship. In 1984, together with Krzysztof Woliński, they received a commendation for their performance during the jazz festival in Hoeilaart (Belgium).

Over his career, he has collaborated with leading representatives of the Polish jazz scene including, among others: Włodzimierz Nahorny, Henryk Miśkiewicz, Andrzej Jagodziński, Tomasz Szukalski, Andrzej Olejniczak, Paweł Perliński, Robert Majewski, Janusz Skowron, Maciej Strzelczyk, Krzesimir Dębski and Janusz Muniak.

He has been a member of many jazz ensembles and bands including, among others: Włodzimierz Nahorny, Novi Singers, Kazimierz Jonkisz, Paweł Perliński, Andrzej Trzaskowski Polish Radio and Television Big Band, Project Grappelli and the Warsaw Paris Jazz Quintet. In 2004, with Janusz Szrom and Andrzej Jagodziński formed the group “Straszni Panowie Trzej”, which still exists.

He also collaborated with notable Polish artists (actors, writers, musicians) not involved with jazz music including, among others: Krzysztof Jakowicz, Andrzej Wróbel, Wojciech Młynarski, Jerzy Derfl, Krystyna Janda, Joanna Trzepiecińska, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Piotr Machalica, Artur Andrus, Andrzej Poniedzielski and Bogdan Loebl.

He was also an instigator, promoter and producer of many music projects including, among others: the five year cycle of concerts entitled “Jazz, Powidła, Lasy”(later renamed “Warsaw Jazz Evenings”) emceed by the renowned comedian, Artur Andrus, that presented the star vocalists of jazz including, among others: Ewa Bem, Lora Szafran, Iza Zając, Ewa Uryga, Andrzej Dąbrowski, Janusz Szrom, Marek Bałata, Krzysztof Kiljański, Marc Thomas, Miles Griffith, Monty Waters, Sibel Kose and many others.

Since 1994, he has owned and is operating a music production and promotion company “Blue Note Agencja Artystyczna” (Blue Note Artistic Agency) that organizes concerts and festivals and produces recordings of CDs.

Two of his albums received Gold Record status:” Straszni Panowie Trzej” (“The Three, Terribly Gentle Men”) and “Pogadaj Ze Mną” (“Talk to Me”) (both in 2009).

Selected discography

Jazz music ensembles

Other recordings (different music styles)

Album production and promotion

Activities in Cinematography and Theatre

Music composer

Music performance

Minor roles in movies


External links

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