Amy Catanzano

Amy Catanzano is an American poet from Boulder, CO. She is the author of Multiversal, which won the PEN USA Literary Award in Poetry. Michael Palmer describes her work as "a poetic vision of multiple orders and multiple forms, of a fluid time set loose from linearity, and an open space that is motile and multidimensional."[1] Since 2009 she has published writing on a theory and practice called “quantum poetics,” which explores the intersections of poetry and science, particularly physics.[2] Her other interests include cross-genre and cross-cultural texts and the literary avant-garde.[3]

Life and work

Her first book of poetry, Epiphany, was published by Anne Waldman’s Erudite Fangs Editions. In 2009, Catanzano’s Multiversal was published as the recipient of the Poets Out Loud Prize from Fordham University Press. Multiversal went on to receive the PEN USA Literary Award in Poetry.[4] Recent and previous winners of the PEN USA Literary Award in Poetry include Claudia Rankine, Anne Waldman, Craig Santos Perez, Seido Ray Ronci, Juan Felipe Herrera, Brian Turner, Martha Ronk, Donald Revell, Norman Dubie, Bob Kaufman, Carl Rakosi, Thom Gunn, Czeslaw Milosz, Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Michael Palmer, and David Antin. [5]

Catanzano's third full-length collection, Starlight in Two Million: A Neo-Scientific Novella, combines poetry with fiction. It was published by Noemi Press in 2014.[6] Cindra Halm in Rain Taxi writes that it “is a mind-full, mine-filled, field of literary, aesthetic, scientific, and imaginative constructs that take forms as collage, cultural allegory, anti-war expression, epistolary conversation, and song-of-joy-in-risk-taking, to list merely a few.” [7]

Catanzano is an assistant professor in creative writing and the poet-in-residence at Wake Forest University and teaches occasionally in Naropa University's Summer Writing Program. She earned her MFA from the Iowa Writers' Workshop and taught at Naropa until 2011, serving as the administrative director of the Department of Writing and Poetics in the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics. She was also the managing editor for the literary magazine Bombay Gin.[8] At Wake Forest University she directs the creative writing program and co-directs the reading series.[9]

Awards and honors

The Noemi Press Book Award for Fiction for Starlight in Two Million: A Neo-Scientific Novella, published in 2014.[10]

Starlight in Two Million: A Neo-Scientific Novella is part of the permanent collection of the ’Pataphysical Museum at The London Institute of ’Pataphysics.[11]

The PEN USA Literary Award in Poetry for Multiversal. [12]

Fordham University's Poets Out Loud Prize for Multiversal, published in 2009.[13]

Quantum poetics

A four-part essay, "Quantum Poetics: Writing the Speed of Light," by Catanzano appeared from 2009 to 2011 in Jerome Rothenberg’s Poems and Poetics.[14] In it she says of quantum poetics: “By applying principles in theoretical physics to poetry, quantum poetics investigates how physical reality is assumed, imagined, and tested through language at discernible and indiscernible scales of spacetime.”[15]

In 2012, Gilbert Adair curated a feature in Jacket2, Like A Metaphor, that collects dialogues between contemporary poets who share an interest in science. These poets were Rae Armantrout, Amy Catanzano, John Cayley, Tina Darragh, Marcella Durand, Allen Fisher, James Harvey, Peter Middleton, Evelyn Reilly, and Joan Retallack.[16]

In 2015, Catanzano wrote a series of essays about the intersections of poetry and science in a Commentary Series on Quantum Poetics at Jacket2.


Let There Be Love (Spacecraft Press, 2015). Limited-edition pamphlet, reprinted from Starlight in Two Million: A Neo-Scientific Novella.

Starlight in Two Million: A Neo-Scientific Novella (Noemi Press, 2014). Recipient of the Noemi Press Book Award for Fiction. ISBN 978-1934819395

Multiversal (Fordham University Press, 2009). Recipient of the Poets Out Loud Prize and the PEN USA Literary Award in Poetry. ISBN 978-0823230075

the heartbeat is a fractal, e-chapbook (Ahadada Books, 2009).

iEpiphany (Erudite Fangs Editions, 2008). ISBN 978-0981612997

Her poetry has been published in Colorado Review, Conjunctions, Denver Quarterly, Fence (magazine), New American Writing, Tarpaulin Sky Press, Washington Square Review, and elsewhere. Her work is anthologized in Naropa University’s Hydrogen Jukebox: 40 years of (Dis)Embodied Poetics and A Best of Fence.[17]


External links

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