ATM-6 and ATM-7 mines

The ATM-6 and ATM-7 are Austrian off-route anti-tank mines that use Misznay Schardin effect warheads to fire self forging fragments into the sides of armoured vehicles. Both mines are mounted on a pedestal base which is used to aim the mine, and have simple sights to aim the mines. The mines originally could be triggered by a variety of means, including contact wire and infra-red fuses, however as a result of Austrian laws, they now only use command detonation.

The ATM-7 is a slightly larger and more powerful mine, capable of projecting a fragment that can penetrate 70 mm of armour at 80 m range, producing a hole approximately 120 mm in diameter.


Length 180 mm
Diameter 320 mm
Weight 13 kg 14 kg
7.2 kg of
Composition B
9 kg of
Composition B


External links

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