4104 (number)

4103 4104 4105
Cardinal four thousand one hundred four
Ordinal 4104th
(four thousand one hundred and fourth)
Factorization 23× 33× 19
Roman numeral IVCIV
Binary 10000000010002
Ternary 121220003
Quaternary 10000204
Quinary 1124045
Senary 310006
Octal 100108
Duodecimal 246012
Hexadecimal 100816
Vigesimal A5420
Base 36 36036

4104 is the second positive integer which can be expressed as the sum of two positive cubes in two different ways. The first such number, 1729, is called the "Ramanujan–Hardy number".

4104 is the sum of 4096 + 8 (that is, 163 + 23), and also the sum of 3375 + 729 (that is, 153 + 93).

See also

External links

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